Forum Post: Abundance With One Global Currency
Posted 12 years ago on April 11, 2012, 6:24 p.m. EST by Ratico
from Fredericksburg, VA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Only by implementing one sole global currency can transparency be achieved, there be an end to competitive dominance of separate currencies, and we see abuncance spread throughout the Earth.
Although there are many fears produced by accepting this new currency, a fair distribution of wealth followed by abundance is achievable by allowing others the chance to gain as we have had. By believing it is possible to exist in abundance for all, we are able to adjust our reality to abundance for all.
This may seem a trick, but it is not. Just consider how you would choose to implement abundance. Is this not the simplest way to begin the transition.
Thank you
Over time, whoever controls the money system controls the society.
The power to create money is an awesome power - at times stronger than the Executive, Legislative and Judicial powers combined. When controlled privately it can be used to gain riches. More importantly, it determines the direction of society by controlling where the money goes – what gets funded and what does not. Will it be used to build and repair vital infrastructure - as Levees to protect major cities? Or will it go into real estate speculation, creating the real estate bubble? Will it fund sustainable industries with good jobs or go into Wall Street fueling stock market bubbles? Will it be channeled into warfare, leaving a trail of death, destruction and inflation?
Thus the money issuing power should never be alienated from democratically elected government and placed ambiguously into private hands as it is in America in the Federal Reserve System today.
In fact, the bulk of our money supply isn’t created by our government, but by private banks when they make loans. Through the Fed’s fractional reserve process what we use for money is issued as interest-bearing debt. Our money system is controlled by private banks for their agendas, not for the common good. Our government has the power to issue money (Art.1, Sect.8) and spend it into circulation to promote the general welfare; including for infrastructure, education and health care; not misuse the money system for speculation as banks have historically done.
Money is not tangible wealth in itself, but an unconditional means of payment. It’s the essential lubricant that lets things “run.” Money is an abstract social power based in law and whatever government accepts in payment of taxes will be money. Money’s value is not created by the private corporations that now control it.
Unhappily, mankind’s experience with private money creation has undeniably been a long history of fraud, mismanagement and even villainy Private money creation through the fractional reserve accounting fosters an unprecedented concentration of wealth which destroys the democratic process and ultimately promotes imperialism.
1% of the American population claims ownership of over 40% of the wealth, and receives 24% of income, and vital infrastructure is ignored. The American Society of Civil Engineers gives a D grade to our infrastructure and estimates that $2.2 trillion is needed to bring it to acceptable levels.
Very well put. However, money is the artificial lubricant that lets things "run", not the essential. We just believe it is essential and have not made it unnecessary yet. When we believe we can volunteer and society will not have to change, we can do that as well. It is up to how we choose to implement our reality.
By the way, here's some news I hear today about the feds: "Liens have now been filed against all twelve Federal Reserve banks. A Cease and Desist Order has also been filed -- to prevent the world's wealth from continuing to be stolen." I will not give the source now. As far as I'm concerned it is not proven at this time. But I believe it is and therefore ...
Thanx for your excellent comment and further to your last paragraph, I append the following :
Also, I attach the following very informative and thought provoking "Money As Debt" Films :
a) Money As Debt 1 : ,
b) Money As Debt 2 : and
c) Money As Debt 3 : .
radix omnium malorum est cupiditas ...
You need to
Macro economics is about multi currencies. We have not tried one currency yet because we believe it is contrived by those who control us now. The EU is still a fasset of multi currency. Transparency is only available with one currency. There is no reason for fear.
So we need a single world currency, is it? I will not even bother to get into such an absurd idea so please free to continue your notion that what the world needs is a single currency. Good day.
Before we agree to be paid nothing, and accept it is possible, I think first we must take steps to that outcome. The first step in changing consiousness is to understand what everyone else is valuing the hour at.
Using multiple currencies allows control of commodities throughout the Earth. Using only one currency allows for complete transparency. It allows for each person to pay the same for the same essentials of life that should carry the same value throughout the Earth.
I guess based on that concept, we need to become a 3rd world country.
Isn't a 3rd world country defined as that which lacks current accomodations the rest of the world is able to purchase? If a 3rd world country used the same currency as us, would their purchasing power increase at all? No. However it would become clear how something like bottled water which is imported by us at a low price because we can produce our own, can be produced throughout the world with little investment and thus create, eventually, a supply and demand bubble with in which necessities would even out as all necessities are realized to be abundant, not scarce.
Well, you can't compare a bottle of water to anything else of value that is produced by someone in one country and sold in another country.
First off only certain people in other countries will be able to afford those items.
Second, the price may go down to some degree but there are costs associated with out of country shipping - especially when it comes to a small business trying ship goods.
Unless all people in all countries are on a "equal playing field" when it comes to the population and their income it isn't going to work.
So in order to do that you will need to establish a "new world order" where everything is controlled.
That is limited thinking. We are on a level playing field. You just don't know it. When life holds more value than money, we will have abundance. There is no new world order anymore.
Having a life is great - having a great life is better. A person living in a cardboard shack and thinking that that person could buy something worth $50.00 isn't going to happen.
All life is great. What you choose reflects what you experience. Abundance can be squandered. Isn't that what got us here? All I'm saying is if there is a path to equality and fair life, it may very well involve a global economy. It may not be evil but enlightening.
I'm not an economics whiz but, what's the connection between a one-world currency and a world of abundance? How does one guarantee the other?
I replied above, sorry. There cannot be transparency with multiple currencies. There is no true value with separation. Only by applying a consistant value to everyone on our essentials can we create abundance. One currency allows everyone to know they pay the same, not be kept in ignorance.
The transparency and equal pay aspect I can understand. Unfortunately, there's so many other factors involved in a scarcity or an abundance, I'm not sure a universal currency would have much of an effect on supply or availability. For the record, I'm against the concept of a single currency although I honestly have no actual facts to back up my bias.
Most people are against it. I was. It implies control by its nature, I believe. However, it is the simplest way to ensure supplies for all. With the same currency used everywhere we will know instantly what is needed where. Where products are excessively higher, we will be able to supply more so the price stabalizes. It is the essential supply and demand. How would we feel in the U.S. if the states used different currencies? This is, afterall, what some desire.
Interesting. Have you studied economics? Just curious, not being sarcastic. Like I said above, I know almost nothing about economics (sadly), which puts me at a disadvantage on forums like this. Personally, I think econ 101 should be taught in high school.
Around fifteen years ago I was tought an economy behaves the same laws as electricity. Economies can thus be predicted and controlled as the trajectory of a projectile can. Supply and demand, however, if transparent can by its natur re-distribute equally all essentials. It is a tough concept, but knowing money is equal everywhere allows commodities to be equal everywhere, eventually. That is not so in our current system.
There may be some validity in this theory but how would it account for artificially-induced supply and demand, such as that caused by greedy 'middlemen' or those with an agenda, like governments wishing to control their population (hunger), etc.? If you can't eliminate such things, what else would be the point? I enjoy hearing other theories (like RBE) but it seems many of them rely on a society that has somehow eliminated these things (and worse, like sadism), something not too soon coming, I'm afraid.
Artificially-induced supply and demand, I presume price fixing, is only attainable when all the producers of commodities are not true competitors. Transparency. I believe the transparency in one global economy would lead to price fixing, or artificially making it appear supply was not feasable, becoming unattainable for long periods. Again, the premise is production of essential can be produced nearly everywhere, not just by an elite. Perhaps we would have to choose some "limited" items like oil are not as necessary as we believe. We are the ones who make supply and demand work. If we all refuse to pay a high price, they will lower the price.
Actually I should have said 'artificially-controlled supply' instead of 'artificially-induced supply and demand.' Sorry. I'm not sure demand can be controlled by an outside entity. That part we are in control of, I agree. But supply is controlled in a lot of ways and for various reasons. You would need total transparency thru out the supply chain so, if that sort of transparency was existent it seems to me multiple currencies wouldn't matter. You would simply need a little extra math due to exchange rates, something that exists now as you well know. Sorry, I'm just not getting the connection between supply and demand and a single- vs. multiple-currency world.
I was taught, single currency creates a level playing field and ends competiteve dominance of separate currencies.
Could you please go into more detail as to how this would work. If I sell a produce here in this country for a price based on supply and demand, local labor along with local and federal taxes - plese tell me how would it ensure supply for all when I can't sell the same product based on my costs here in this country for the same price in another country?
It just doesn't make sense in what you say unless of course everyone is controlled who produces goods and services.
If a commodity is needed somewhere, they will pay more for it, just as now. When everyone knows what everyone really pays for the same item, the supply will increase until the price will go down. When you can make a buck, everyone wants in on it until the need is equallized. This is transparency. Now, however, the need is not equallized because we do not know how much people actually pay around the world for the same item. Do people not make sound investments simply buying and selling currencies and nothing else?
Ok so tell me how can a poor person in Africa pay the same amount for a wealtier person in America? I don't see any equilization there. The cost of the item produced determines its price.
So if I buy an item in the United States for $50.00 how can a poor person in Africa buy the same item for $50.00. Explain.
At first they would pay whatever the going price is, say $75. A competitior will see this and offer it at $70. Eventually, through supply and demand, the price will come down through competition by those selling the products produced independently until a global price is found at which the competition cannot go beneath. Does this make sense? Competition will eventuall cause price to be conceptually equal. As gas is similar across the USA. Cigarettes are also, not taxes; thus people believe cigarettes are more expensive in certain areas. Across america prices are similar as is supply. Why would this be different
this is crazy. Europe has one currency and because of the differing social structures, it is a disaster. Germans are disciplined, Greeks are profligate and as such theycreate very unstable situations.
Dont worry bonehead. You are going to get your global currency in good time.
Im going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess it wont lead to more abundance for us.
Do you think it will lead to less abundance than is seen currently by some? Most of us have more than we need even though we find it difficult to afford what we want.
Im sure a one world government run by corporations will be great for all of us.
It already is a world run by corporations who are not responsible to any government. And it is horrible. The first step in changing is transparency. You don't have to believe it. But without knowledge there will be no change. With transparency in value comes knowledge of value. Imagine there's no money. It's easy if you try.
Have you looked at the Euro area recently? The only "abundance" is in those countries that practice fiscal restraint. And I don't think anyone at OWS is interested in fiscal restraint.
The Euro is similar to the dollar in that it is used across borders, just international. Isn't the dollar perceived as losing value differently across america just as the euro is in Greece and Spain, etc.? But yet throughout america water, beer, gas are of similar value and housing, employment and utilities are not. Is this not how it is with the euro? In Hawaii they pay excessively for beef. Now ranchers are prospering in Hawaii and affecting the price of beef, making it lower. The press wants us to think some countries are unable to re-pay their debt and thus are not exercising "fiscal restraint". When really what they are doing wrong is purchasing necessities in another country's currency.
Portugal and Greece can no longer print money like they could in the Real/Drachma days. They could simply print more money to repay their creditors in the old days. They can't print Euros. These countries cannot collect enough tax revenue to repay their debts so they are stuck between the proverbial rock and a hard place. Would you lend them money?
I would say that the Greeks are using German credit to purchase their necessities, but the well has dried up.
There is simply no way that a profligate country (Greece) can share a currency with a fiscally conservative country like Germany. The US has a public debt per person that is very similar to Greece (about $33,000 per person). The US couldn't qualify for a managed inter-country currency. We borrow far too much to run our government.
The USA and Greece are in the same boat except perception only. Because we can print money, due to the fact oil is purchased in dollars, we appear somewhat able to pay back loans. But in real value, we cannot. Thus we appear to own a commodity we do not, oil. When oil is sold in different currencies, as is being planned, will the world be forced to a global currency? If so, what then will be our future? In my opion, the current system should be feared. Just because we have our blinders on to its reality doesn't mean we will forever. When the USA no longer has the edge of hiding debt, will we believe we are controlled or that we control our own necessities?