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Forum Post: ABSURD: to defend Israel, USA cuts funds of Unesco!! World's historic and cultural heritage at risk!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 1, 2011, 1:49 p.m. EST by CulturalHeritage (36)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

This is unbeliveable!

Instead of Israel suffering sanctions from the UN, for its sistematic disrespect of United Nations resolutions, it's a UN agency, Unesco, that is going to suffer sanctions from the USA, in the name of the interests of Israel!!!!!!!!!!!

The world is upside down!!!

Israel OWNS the United States????

This is an unbeliveable attack against the United Nations, from the part of the US government, just to defend Israel's interests!!

Read the news:

The Obama administration has cut off funding for the UN cultural agency after its member countries defied US threats and approved the Palestinian Liberation Organisation's bid for full membership.

The vote to admit Palestine as a member of Unesco, which only the United States and 13 other countries opposed, triggered a long-standing congressional ban on US funding to UN bodies that recognise Palestine as a state before an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal is reached.

The State Department said a $60 million (£38m) payment to Unesco scheduled for November would not be made as a result.




I can't believe it's happening!

Instead of sanctions against Israel, sanctions against the United Nations!!!!



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[-] 2 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

The Taj Mahal is now in danger.

The pyramids of Egypt are now in danger.

The Aztec city of Teotihuacan in Mexico is now in danger.

Why the US government is taking such an irresponsible measure? Just because Israel wants revenge against UNESCO?

[-] 2 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

It can't be happening...

It's a nightmare!

What's next?

What if the United Nations recognize Palestine as a full member? Will the US government start World War III against the whole world, to defend Israel's interests?

[-] 1 points by LaughinWillow (215) 13 years ago

Short answer? Yes. And they've allowed Israel to stockpile nuclear weapons to start it.

[-] 2 points by elpulqui (2) 13 years ago

It's a shame!

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

Israel is the test grounds for new US weapons

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

It is absurd. Israel is our puppet government who does our bidding in exchange for billions a year. The situation in the middle east is completely distorted by the media.

[-] 1 points by stopthat (64) 13 years ago

and throw them out of our government.

[-] 1 points by stopthat (64) 13 years ago

lets cut funding to israel also.

[-] 1 points by stopthat (64) 13 years ago

remember that cartoon...its a picture of the world wearing a tee shirt that says, "I'm with stupid." and it points to a human? we are like that with israel.

[-] 1 points by Skippy2 (485) 13 years ago

We should get out of the UN now! The UN is constantly working against our national intrest and is rife with corruption.

[-] 1 points by zoom6000 (430) from St Petersburg, FL 13 years ago

That`s why we end up here

[-] 1 points by SisterRay (554) 13 years ago

ABSURD: To defend Palestine, UNESCO triggers cuts to its own funding!! World's historic and cultural heritage at risk!

[-] 2 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

Don't try to spin this, you moron!

It's a complete SHAME: the government of the United States cuts funds of Unesco JUST BECAUSE ISRAEL WANTS.

[-] 1 points by SisterRay (554) 13 years ago

Not quite. The government of the US cuts funds to Unesco just because it is constrained by laws passed in 1994.

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

I see... 1994... And the funds are cut in 2011, one day after UNESCO accepts Palestine as a full member...

[-] 2 points by SisterRay (554) 13 years ago

Yes, it seems like you're beginning to understand. But let me just fill in those ellipses for you.

Legislation dating from 1990 and 1994 mandates a complete cutoff of American financing to any United Nations agency that accepts the Palestinians as a full member. State Department lawyers see no leeway in the legislation, and no possibility of a waiver.

So, one day after UNESCO accepts Palestine as a full member, the US cuts funds to UNESCO as is required by laws passed in 1990 and 1994.

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

Israel OWNS the USA!!

Israel is the boss of the USA!

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

There are 936 World Heritage Sites at risk now!

All in the name of the interests of Israel!

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

Some places in danger:


I can't believe this!

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

It's a crime against human heritage!

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

This is unacceptable!

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

What's next?

If the World Health Organization (WHO) recognizes Palestine as a full member, will the US government boycott the WHO in the name of the interests of Israel?

If the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) recognizes Palestine as a full member, will the US government boycott the FAO in the name of the interests of Israel?


[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

All the world's historic and cultural heritage is at risk now, with the abrupt defunding of UNESCO, in the name of the interests of Israel!

[-] 0 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

crystal clear anti-Israel propaganda

"When the Palestinians love their children more than they hate us - there will be peace" G.M.

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago


Are you crazy, you moron?

Where is the propaganda here?

We are talking about FACTS, reported my MAINSTREAM MEDIA: the government of the United States of America has cut funds to UNESCO, because Unesco accepted Palestine as a full member.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

ah yes using labels - a real tell! i did not say it was a lie - but it happened because it is the law

[-] 0 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

This is completely unhelpful to this cause. It allows detractors to easily spin this movement into one of racial intolerance. Regardless of it's truth, it is, quite possible, the last thing we need to worry about.

[-] 1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago


What is "racial" about the US government cutting funds from a United Nations agency, just because a foreign nation, Israel, is angry because the agency accepted Palestine as a full member?

[-] 1 points by JonoLith (467) 13 years ago

I suppose my concern is ultimately one of distortion, and priorities.

I'm concerned that the message will be distorted from your statement into "OWS hates Jews." It's a message that is already happening in the MSM.

I'm concerned because this issue is less pressing then the Greed Based Economy that rules this country.

[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Dual citizens in American government have loyalties, not to Americans, but to whom?

Death to traitors.

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Nice call for violence.

[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Wrong. Crimes with serious consequences have serious sentences. Those sentences were designed to discourage those crimes. When a population is afraid to exact such sentences, there is more criminals committing those crimes. Those sentences need to be carried out.

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

You are merely calling for a lynch mob against people you don't even know.

[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Wrong. I am calling for the exposure of those within American government loyal not to Americans and the sentences to be carried out against those guilty. What do you have against Americans? Why do you protect those who steal from them?

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

You said "Death to traitors." So who decides? You?

[-] 1 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

That would be the United States Supreme Court. Are you loyal to America or to whom? "whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

So who are these treasonous people? You made a general call for death to traitors. It sounded like you wanted to kill anyone with dual citizenship. Why?

[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

It sounds like your agenda is not Pro-American but Pro-tective of usurpers. Why?

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Why do you insist on questioning my patriotism instead of answering my questions?

[-] 0 points by FawkesNews (1290) 13 years ago

Sir, your patriotism is in question.

[-] -1 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

Lol not really. It just shows me you don't want to have a discussion so you dismiss those who don't agree with your calls for death as unpatriotic. Sad.

[-] -1 points by frankjr (44) 13 years ago

We are struggling for money and we do not $60 million to Unesco. We can pay 3000 students fee for one year in a public college. US Admin have to define priorities here.

[-] -1 points by CulturalHeritage (36) 13 years ago

Some comments have been deleted?

What a f*ck???

[-] 0 points by Perspective (-243) 13 years ago

My whole account was deleted. Apparently badmouthing the UN is frowned upon by this sites moderators. Nice to know that if I disagree with folks here I will be deleted. Kind of like Bill Ayers plans to kill a few million people who didn't agree with him.