Forum Post: Absolute PROOF that Standard & Poor's is the biblical Anti Christ. It's 666
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 12, 2011, 6:51 p.m. EST by SPistheAntiChrist
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Hi people.
The movie "2012" was released in November 13, 2009, a Friday.
Then we had the first weekend of the movie. During the weekend the stock market is closed.
When the stock market re-opened on the Monday, November 16, 2009, the S&P 500 finished the day at 1,109 points.
At 1,109 points, it means that the S&P 500 was 66.6% above the multi-year bottom of 666 points reached in March 2009.
The following day, November 17, 2009, the S&P 500 finished the day almost unchanged (what is very rare), at 1,110 points.
And in the following day, November 18, 2009, the S&P 500 fell back 1 point, to close at 1109 points again.
It finished 66.6% anove the 666 bottom, three days in a row.
Do you really think it's a coincidence?
How many times in the history of the stock market, the S&P 500 rose just one single point in a day, and fell back one single point in the following day, to close back at the same level of two days early?
The answer: just one time. And it was in the first three trading days after the release of the movie "2012".
The intraday "bottom" of the S&P 500 in the current recession was at 666.79 points on March 6, 2009.
Standard & Poors downgraded the USA from the AAA rating on August 2011, sparking the new phase of the sovereign debt crisis that we are experiencing now in the second half of 2011.
When they did that, the stock markets around the world dropped sharply. BUT... Do you know how much their own S&P 500 stock index has dropped on that day in early August?
Yes... It dropped exactly 6.66%
Too many coincidences... Standard & Poor's is the Anti Christ. Standard & Poor's is the beast of Apocalipse
Amazing discovery... There is no logical explanation...
I can take any index and derive 666 from it at least once a week using the same desperate interpretations you have. But I don't have as much free time.
Let's go:
1 - 666 is not a number like any other. It has a cultural meaning: the number of Apocalipse.
2 - What are the probabilities that a stock market index that is falling during a recession hits the 666 mark and stop falling, and start to go up again, and in the following 2 years and a half never go bellow that 666 mark again?
3 - What are the probabilities of a stock market index that NEVER has a fluctuation of only one single point from one day to the following day, has such a unlikely behavior not just one time, but two days in a row. And in the 3 days that the index amazingly closes basically unchanged, it happens to be 66.6% above the 666 bottom mentioned on the item 2 above. And all of this happens just in the first three trading days after the release of a disaster movie that talks about the end of the world (Apocalipse) in the year 2012?
4 - What are the probabilities of the S&P 500 index falling exactly 6.66% because of the downgrade of the sovereign debt of the USA by Standard & Poors, the same agency that is responsible for the S&P 500 index?
It's mathematically impossible that all of this is just "coincidence"...
Think a little about those "coincidences", and you will realize that the probabilities of all those things being "just coincidences" is ZERO.
But think carefully...
Do the math, people... Do the math...
Do the math, check the probabilities, and REALIZE the truth
The numbers don't lie... Check the probabilities... The probabilities...
No propaganda here. Just cold numbers...
I don't fear death.
I'm just giving mathematical PROOF that Standard & Poors is the "beast of Apocalypse".
If you stopped to be so AFRAID of the truth, and PAY ATTENTION in what I have wrote, you would understand that.
I'm not "one more religious fanatic". In fact, I'm not part of any Church, I never was. And until one week ago, I didn't believe in this "bullshit" of 666, beast of Apocalypse and related things.
But since I understood that it's MATHEMATICALLY IMPOSSIBLE that the things listed above are "mere coincidence", I realized how real it is.
Stop being so AFRAID of truth, and READ what I have wrote, and DO THE MATH, trying to discover the PROBABILITIES of those things all happening "by chance".
JFK is the anti-chriast silly
No. It's Standard & Poor's
All the evidence is here...
ya but each one of his names has 6 letters. 666. obviously the anti-christ.
If you read what I wrote above carefully, you will realize that it's very far from being a "joke" like this joke you made about JFK...
Your's wan't a joke? Awe I'm sorry. Youknow that 666 is a number and does exist in nature. As do all it's dirivatives. 0.666, 6.66, 66.6, 666. They're all real numbers.
You picked random days and assigned them significance. Like the movie 2012. What does that have anything to do with?
Let's go:
1 - 666 is not a number like any other. It has a cultural meaning: the number of Apocalipse.
2 - What are the probabilities that a stock market index that is falling during a recession hits the 666 mark and stop falling, and start to go up again, and in the following 2 years and a half never go bellow that 666 mark again?
3 - What are the probabilities of a stock market index that NEVER has a fluctuation of only one single point from one day to the following day, has such a unlikely behavior not just one time, but two days in a row. And in the 3 days that the index amazingly closes basically unchanged, it happens to be 66.6% above the 666 bottom mentioned on the item 2 above. And all of this happens just in the first three trading days after the release of a disaster movie that talks about the end of the world (Apocalipse) in the year 2012?
4 - What are the probabilities of the S&P 500 index falling exactly 6.66% because of the downgrade of the sovereign debt of the USA by Standard & Poors, the same agency that is responsible for the S&P 500 index?
It's spelled Apocalypse.
Who cares? English is not my first language. In my language it's Apocalipse.
If you are going to use Portuguese then do so. If you are going to use English then do so. It takes away from your argument if your spelling and grammar are wrong.