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Forum Post: Able bodied surfer dude hurts food stamp program

Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 24, 2013, 5:14 p.m. EST by PrivateUnionyes (-6)
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Hilarious. We know this goes on but to see it in black and white.



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[-] -1 points by PrivateUnionyes (-6) 11 years ago

Not sure how that relates to some able bodied person ripping off food stamps but hey, whatever.

62 billion for 5 companies, Apple had a net profit of 48 billion, Google had a profit of 28 billion.

Whats your point? Seems like its oil companies have hardly any profit relative to a bunch of other companies? Oracle had $10 billion profit.

Oil companies seem like the good guys here. Exxon Mobil pays its employees 25% above the average per here:


Good guy for sure.




[-] -1 points by toomanygk (11) 11 years ago

and this post got removed???? Oh, I get it. Can't talk bad about google on this site, right?


[-] -1 points by toomanygk (11) 11 years ago

The profit margin on oil companies is miniscule. But you can get rich when millions of gallons of oil are used daily eh?

BUT, so are smartphones, tablets, I-whatevers, lap and desktops made w slave labor in asia....but hey, oil companies are a more visible bad guy, right?