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Forum Post: AAUP

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 11:50 a.m. EST by cmoylanc (32)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The American Association of University Professors has endorsed Occupy Wall St. Here is the statement that posted online last night. I'm sure the AAUP wouldn't mind my sharing it in this space: Dear AAUP Member:

The AAUP is proud to support the students, faculty, and other individuals who are currently demonstrating for greater economic equality. We issued the following statement today:

The Collective Bargaining Congress and national Council of the American Association of University Professors stands in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Over the last several years, we have watched as those at the very top have prospered while the fortunes of those below the very top have stagnated or declined. The gap between rich and poor is greater than ever before in our lifetimes, and we need to stand up for those who are trying to improve their circumstances and provide for their families.

The dedicated students whom we teach at institutions of higher education are being forced to pay more for tuition and go deeper into debt because of cuts in state funding, only to find themselves unemployed when they graduate. The majority of college and university faculty positions are now insecure, part-time jobs. In addition, attacks on collective bargaining have been rampant throughout the nation, as our job security, wages, health benefits, and pensions have been either reduced or slated for elimination.

Therefore, it is time to stand up for what is right. We applaud the action the Occupy Wall Street movement has taken to highlight the inequity and unfairness of the society in which we live. We strongly support the movement and wish it every success. We are in this together.

As a member of the national council of the AAUP I'm glad, and proud, that the union has come round to doing this. I marched with the unions the other day and I'll be back down to Wall St. as often as I can.



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