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Forum Post: A War With Iran Will Likely Be A Ruse.

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 5, 2011, 1:12 a.m. EST by TheAwakening (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

With the history of war profiteering in this country and given the turbulent times we are in. The powers that be could use a war with Iran as a means to distract us from our protests of economic inequality. Action against Iran, a country that hasn't declared war on another country in over 300 years, would not only negatively impact the 99%. But the 1% would profit again. I hope we learned from our mistakes in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can't allow it to happen again.



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[-] 1 points by VeniVidiVici (14) 13 years ago


Wikileaks said Eritrea didn't do it, and it has a secret US embassy cable to prove that the accusations leveled against Eritrea are unfounded, based on lies, and politically motivated. But the Obama administration is pushing for severe UN sanctions against Eritrea despite the evidence suggesting that Eritrea is innocent of any wrongdoing.

Please help us petition the White House to stop President Barack Obama from imposing harsh economic sanctions against a promising young African nation whose innocence has been proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. We can restore our country's good name and image in the world by petitioning the White House to stop committing a travesty of justice.

Your signature can really save the lives of 5 million people. The Revolution Continues Worldwide!

Thank you for signing the petition. Link below: http://occupywallst.org/forum/vindicated-by-wikileaks-but-not-freed-from-accusat/

[-] 1 points by bemindful (23) 13 years ago

1) Who would be those powers that be? Obama?
2) Are you fine with a nuclear Iran?

[-] 0 points by newearthorder (295) 13 years ago

Real threats are opportunities, happy accidents, so to speak. Without them a threat would have to be fabricated, which could be embarrassing if the details were exposed.