Forum Post: A voice of the 99% (speech)
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 9:40 a.m. EST by TheGhostIsWriting
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
America, it was once said to be a country of dreams and opportunity but now it has been stripped bare of its founding features. It was based on the back bone of equality, for everyone to have a chance at work, to raise their family, to live peacefully, and privately. The back bone of this nation is its people, and the people are angered and want justice which has been over looked for many of years. The people are standing now for dozens of the wrongs which have never been righted and many injustices which keep rising each day across this extraordinary country which was once considered the most powerful and grandest in the world, but now on its knees.
I never would have fathomed the grandest nation would let their jobs move away, nor let the rich rule with an iron fist and pass laws which get them richer and the poor more in poverty. No healthcare, no environmental safety , no respect for the ones who are the backbone. The people have chosen to start a change across this United nation. The change to pull the curtains back and reveal what has been playing out under the table, the change for a better world for all humanity. What kind of life is it to not be able to feed a child, to keep your home, to step in a hospital and worry how to pay the bill which should not be raised to such an expense.
What kind of life is it to be thrown into the streets because you can not find a job and have your children snatched from your arms because you are unfit to have them over a lack of pay check? What gives them the right, the one or two percent of the richest people in this country to do this to us? They are the one with the power and in turn think they have the right to take what they please and strip what they like from everyone else. But now a call has been made for the others to find their voices and make a stand to be heard and not to be silenced no matter what foes wish to try and slander and snuff out what has been started. The people want equality, justice, jobs, healthcare, environmental safety, laws, regulations, which will prevent such things from reoccurring, for everyone to be treated equally, and most of all for the corruption to be torn away from this country so it once again can reign as one of the grandest that ever stood on this earth. Join as one , gather as a nation and become part of the 99% which represents you me and chances are everyone in your family. Become part of the movement to bring back the United States of America because we can make the difference.
Peaceful protest is nonproductive?
It got your attention didn't it? Matter of fact it has gotten a goodly bit of attention, not just locally, not just nationally, but globally!
I've read of people suggesting 'make no demands', I've read of people suggesting 'make demands' yet there are no demands, however, the issues over which there are concern are being presented and will at some point solidify into a list of points presented to the people for comment and action.
Beautifully written, Ghost writer!
But what is accomplished by protesting? Shouldn't you be writing your congressman. Signing petitions? Hanging out in the park being angry is counterproductive. As for justified violence, The people on wallstreet are not breaking any laws.
They cannot be allowed to create a economic system that forces us to be dependant on the system for survival, but then denies us the opportunity to participate- the jam needs to be spread.
Survival it the most basic right and it is programmed in to our dna, as seen when a person will jump from a burning multi-story building. It is the chance of surviving the fall (however miniscule) versus certain death in the flames. If you did survive by landing on someone and they died- would you be charged with muder perhaps? No. It is your right to do whatever it takes to survive.
Those who are denied the right to participate in the system and whose survival, or their families survival is threatened, has the right to crime or violence.
Peaceful protest is only useful if it is productive. Should it fail to achieve the desired effect of eradicating the inequality, then violence is justified
Wake up to what? A lousy economy. We already know that.
That is a little dramatic don't you think? This is still a great nation. The problem is that everything has come to easy to last few generations and they don't know how to be self-reliant. Until people quit whining and blaming and hating and start doing, there will be know improvements. Yes there should be less loopholes for the millionaires and billionaires but there needs to be less governmental babysitting as well. This country is so divided and the media loves it. Everyone of the talk show hosts keep getting high ratings, keep selling their books at this country's expense. Think about it.
Diversity is fine....let it ring out...left, middle, right...but OWS will not stop because the media has high ratings. That would be silly.....the media has the ratings because OWS is actually getting people to wake up..