Forum Post: A View From the Bottom
Posted 12 years ago on June 13, 2012, 2:11 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Let's look at the 2007 to … crisis. Do economists, in their complex comprehension of the works of our economy, lose sight of its original function in Human Culture? Is it possible that such a deficient viewpoint, which focuses on the profit of a few leaders, occludes the fundamental purpose: to produce the food and material goods we need to live?
In the global economy, America no longer has enough factories that provide the kinds of things that fulfill the needs and wants of the greatest part of the population. We're dependent on China for our day to day consumer goods. They have the factories and when our debt kite falls they can use them to enrich their own people with real goods. For the most part, we no longer have a real economy. Our economic leaders continue to profit in the abstract markets of finance and trade, while we grow deeper in debt and poverty. And we're stuck there because of ideological prohibitions against throwing off our bonds by confiscating the property of the rich, on which our slavery to them is predicated.
Derived from: How Does That Work?
As further evidence of what you allude to :
fiat lux ...
For the most part, material production may be private enterprise. Many services are best done of, by and for the people on a non profit basis. All service depends of material production to exist. In a non pejorative sense, services are parasitic on the economy. They cannot exist without the support of material production.
How Does That Work?
In the global economy, America no longer has enough factories that provide the kinds of things that fulfill the needs and wants of the greatest part of the population. We're dependent on China for our day to day consumer goods. They have the factories and when our debt kite falls they can use them to enrich their own people with real goods. For the most part, we no longer have a real economy. Our economic leaders continue to profit in the abstract markets of finance and trade, while we grow deeper in debt and poverty. And we're stuck there because of ideological prohibitions against throwing off our bonds by confiscating the property of the rich, on which our slavery to them is predicated.
Derived from: How Does That Work?
Was the American Revolution hoarded by the founding fathers and their class? Or did freedom persist until after the westward expansion and the end of free land? In any case, the consolidation of most private property into the hands of the ruling class has endangered liberty. Was the end of genuine freedom for all in America inevitable? Does the nominal ownership of property make us free? Or is the mortgage on it enough to make us slaves to the über investors and their banks? Derived from: How Does That Work?
The land in Texas is 98% private property. How did it get to be that way? When Texas won its independence from Mexico and formed a republic, did the land become the private property of the communities and people who worked it? Or did a few rentiers take it all for themselves and turn the rest into perpetual debtors, renters or tenants, on the land they used to call their own? If the people had been forced by the previous owners to work the land, why were the fruits of the revolution not extended to the peasants who did the work?
Derived from: How Does That Work?
chck out:
“The dupes also conflate small business and individual pursuits with the global Giga corporations. The latter actually pay little tax and makes billions supporting the military and with other government contracts. But the wannabe defends the ruling class of elite parasites, who inevitably overwhelm and impoverish the majority with debt made inevitable by the concentrated wealth and power.” The successful induction of beliefs that form a psychology of self destruction in the followers, who are the conservative base, by the one percent and their principal servants, befuddles Lefty.
He can't reconcile the fallacy of equating the middle class individual's economy with that of the corporations and the rich, and the compassion the base feel for their masters in the struggle with 'oppressive taxation' and regulation. “Can ownership of property be given realistic perspective and proper proportion?” Derived from: How Does That Work?
The invisible hand operates in agribusiness, chemical industries and everywhere else to increase profits, raise prices and threaten Human existence. They claim great productive gains from GM foods and all the rest, as hunger grows. They don't see themselves and their market strategies and global profiteering/speculation as the causes of the evil wrought by their greed. The 'best and brightest' are puerile fools.
How Does That Work?
It's not about the Chinese. In America it's about us. We no longer have an economy that provides the goods we need to survive. Few of us can still support our lifestyles. Soon, we won't even be able to sustain our lives. We must begin to make the things we need to live. To hell with trade and exports that enrich the few at our expense. We can't trade when all that's made is money. The limit to our existence is circumscribed by the concentration of wealth with an elite ruling class and their ministers, the trade imbalance and debt saturation.
How Does That Work?
Our government has tried only to stimulate consumption. That shorts the formula by half. The jobs that produce most consumer goods have been outsourced. The bobble head media and wholly owned politicians tell us patronizingly that those jobs won't be coming back. The one percent and the ten percent can't make a profit that way. They don't care what happens to ninety percent of us so long as they have theirs. They make sure the experts feel included. They don't think the Chinese Communists will confiscate factories and use them for enrichment of all Chinese because, ironically, they imagine their rich Chinese counterparts have the same power and influence enjoyed by American elites.
How Does That Work?
How Does That Work?
In the global economy, America no longer has enough factories that provide the kinds of things that fulfill the needs and wants of the greatest part of the population. We're dependent on China for our day to day consumer goods. They have the factories and when our debt kite falls they can use them to enrich their own people with real goods. For the most part, we no longer have a real economy. Our economic leaders continue to profit in the abstract markets of finance and trade, while we grow deeper in debt and poverty. And we're stuck there because of ideological prohibitions against throwing off our bonds by confiscating the property of the rich, on which our slavery to them is predicated.
Let's look at the 2007 to … crisis. Do economists, in their complex comprehension of the works of our economy, lose sight of its original function in Human Culture? Is it possible that such a deficient viewpoint, which focuses on the profit of a few leaders, occludes the fundamental purpose: to produce the food and material goods we need to live?
Real money represents real goods. The Imaginary part is the profit on finance that makes everything we buy cost so much. We can't afford Imaginary money.
If you knew any more of physics and mathematics than you do of spelling, you might understand that conservation of matter and energy has everything to do with perpetual motion devices, thermodynamics and the real economy of material things. Only a bearing towards Wall St leads to the Ex Nihilo productions of abstract economy.
I'm glad you enjoy your thasuarous but it only works if you know what your writing about.
pseudo calculus of derivatives and flawed integration of profits under an imaginary growth curve. what's this?
Perpetual motion defies the Laws of Thermodynamics thermodynamics has nothing to do with perpetual motion the laws of perpetual motion are covered by the laws of gravity and have no bering on economics
Can the brain dead be awakened?