Forum Post: A troll?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 1, 2011, 9:48 p.m. EST by MVSN
from Stockton, CA
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Is a troll on this site someone that disagrees with Marxist/Leninist philosophy?
Well, I'm a staunch Harpo Marxist, and I don't think it was nice of you to slam "Leninist" after his good name. I honestly doubt there are any Marxist/Leninists on this site.
No a troll is one who attempts to instigate arguments, typically by being undermining, or through provocative red herrings. Occasionally though they don't realize they are doing it.
Just look into a mirror and ask yourself the same thing.
this kind of reply is not helping
This is I'm talking about.
No. A troll is a creature that lives in Nordic climates typically finding shelter in caves and under bridges. Diet includes rocks, livestock (especially goats) and the occasional human. He also turns to stone in the presence of sunlight and some are able to smell the blood of a christian man. In Tolkien's mythology trolls are elves that have been corrupted by Morgoth or his minions.
Sounds like my ancestors on my father's side.
Sounds like my mother in law.
No, you know better than that.
I'm afraid I don't. There is a strong Marxist current through this whole movement yet it claims to be inclusive of other philosophies.
Were you called a troll?
Yes. It made me cry! lol ! Actually I have been and have recognized that by some of the posts here I may have engaged in trollish behavior. But it gets frustrating when people make threads then wo 't answer questions posed to them.
Hmmmmmm. Are you asking questions that are insulting from the get go?
Everyone is on guard because there are indeed a lot of the trolls about. I kinda thought you were one too because I believe we might of had a few brief hateful comments back and forth. Not every Marxist or person influenced by Marx is exclusive of other philosophies we just tend to get super defensive because people love to hate on Marx. Most just tie everything into mass death as if he was advocating that or something. Its not very nice.
MVSN, there is a strong Marxist influence in all current Movements world wide, at least in terms of a critique of capitalism. Since Marx became the most well known analyst of capitalism, I think the inclusion of his thoughts is an inevitability.
I never thought of it that way.
I disagree most of the people in ows dont seem to support big C communism and they seem to support nonviolence as a means of change, there are some screwballs but i dont really think they are part of the movement. Marxism specifically supported violence for change. There are some who want a new social contract, some who want to end political and corporate corruption, and some who have no solutions but are not happy with their personal or family situation. I have been banned from the chatroom and probably being silly. I teased someone saying I was part of the 1 percent and told them I had steak for breakfast. So maybe I deserve it, but it was just for fun.
Leavethecities, I see your point, but I think you cannot include an analysis of the capitalist system and avoid Marx.
Marx had reasons for what he thought, he came from the philosophical group Hegal which thought the state should be supreme, there were left hegelians and right helegians eventually one became communism and the other nazism. The nature of cheapness apof life at the time and questioning how capital was being hoarded by few made Marxs viewpoint. In a pure capitalist system I will take advantage of you and do not want to help you suceed because it will threaten my profit and ability to exploit you. What it boils down to is the the flaws and motives of people, not the structure of the system. Each reflect a truth, but the solution to me is changing our patterns of thinking to help out if love. Trouble is some will not be thankful of charity and even take advantage of you. That is why we must help people suceed notonly in a physical way but in their hearts, there should be a respect for each other i see missing and it is very hard to untie the not. the concept of forgiveness is understood but there is a struggle to practice it in our hearts, we judge each other, compare, build cliques, etc. I found happiness not total.
"Marxism specifically supported violence for change"
If you are talking about Karl Marx specifically condoning violence I would have to say that those were different times when the world was a very different place. I don't think those aspects of his writing are at all relevant to anything that is going on today. If you are talking about the violence of the 20th century that was carried out in his name, well I don't think anybody here except the occasional obvious provocateur condones any of that.
You didn't deserve it. But I see what you are saying.
Chat doesnt really transfer sarcasm well, and I am very sarcastic sometimes; being sarcastic is just the way i am. I like people to think, for example Ayn Rands philosophy makes sense in the world she posed it in, corrupt politicians who manipulate mthe market for cronies etc. But the frame determines if a philosophy seems correct, our reference frame is not always correct and i dont think there is an absolute correct philosophy, but i do know it would be better if we all really cared for each other and help each other suceed, because we really loved people. I think it is good to understand other peoples view, what is the meaning of their view in what contexts does it make sense, and use it as an tool to think but not constrain a persons mind.
You're the disagreement that's not supposed to exist when you claim to represent the 99%.
It honestly seems this way. However, in the past I have been known to throw out some curse words and insult people. Not all the time but it's definitely true that people's interpretation of you will change based off of one instance.
Good point.
Someone who disagrees with Marxist/Leninist philosophy is sane.