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Forum Post: A Time for Reflection

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:57 a.m. EST by ewmunn (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Despite all the bickering that's been going on about the economy, the true significance of this moment is the chance for individual reflection.

What do I seek to gain from being a part of this movement?

What ultimately will make me happy?

Do not forget so easily in the vindication of populism that what matters most is our care for one another as human beings. To forget such a thing is what led to Chairman Mao's senseless executions of thousands in the Great Leap Forward.

Do not forget our commonality, our interdependence as vulnerable human beings, so that it might not be swallowed by the power of the dollar to create factions; for the blade the people wield is no less sharp than that of the bourgeois.

Do not forget that even if we shared in the same wealth, if one's only concern is fairness, eventually two men shall have a disagreement on what is 'fair' and slay the other for his lot.

Before change, reflection. Before revolution, unity. Before equity, love.



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