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Forum Post: A term for us instead of OWS - Dirt-Baggers

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 6:48 p.m. EST by captaindoody (339) from Elizabethville, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Everyone calls the TEA (taxed enough already) movement T-Baggers. Could we please be referred to as the dirt-baggers? You see, we favor stealing from Peter who earned his money and giving to Paul who is a dirtbag. Its the perfect name for us. Plus, have you actually been to NYC? The smell is overwhelming, even with the wind. It smells like a fish market, a Mexican restaurant and a pizza parlor all at once. Amazing.



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[-] 1 points by Chimptastic (67) 13 years ago

Well I certainly don't know about "we," but I prefer to pay Paul, who earned the money, rather than Peter who received it. That being said, I am a huge fan of dirt, so the name isn't right out. Plus, it lends itself to acronym easily too: Dauntless International Revolutionary Team, or Depose the Indecent Reactionary Taints, or Destitute Ignored and Robbed Toilers, or Defer to Inbred Right-wing Testosterone...wait that last one is more descriptive of the tea party, scratch that one. Or they can take it, and we'll all be dirt-baggers.

[-] 0 points by captaindoody (339) from Elizabethville, PA 13 years ago

Honestly, this would be for the best. Who the hell knows what OWS stands for. Dirt-Bagger is much better because it says who we really are and who we really are for. UNITE PEOPLE!