Forum Post: A suggestion on how to use the momentum we have developed in the movement.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 3, 2011, 12:22 p.m. EST by originalcrazyone
from Franklin, NC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The statement has been made, the movement has momentum... it is time to present the demands necessary to bring things to a peaceful end, and bring back the democracy we deserve and are fighting for. I would like to present a suggestion for a list of demands for the movement to return our way of life and our government to where it should be...
- Immediate tariff of 25% on all imported goods, offer tax breaks to any corporation that reopens a factory here in the US that was once closed to move outside of the country
- remove the bush era tax cuts away from the rich, and reform the tax code so that everyone is fairly taxed across the board.
- A constitution amendment declaring corperations are not to be recognised as persons and making it illegal for any company to make donations to political campaigns.
- Limit individual campaign contributions to any politician or party to $250.
- All politician salaries should be reduced to equal the median salaries of their constituents. this would give them incentives to bring better wages and jobs into their areas.
- All political offices should only be held for a maximum of 10 years by any individual.
- All politicians should participate in the social security program, as all workers do in any other industry.
- The federal reserve should be made to immediate repay all bonds issued for loans to the social security program, and this program should be recognized to not be an entitlement, as everyone who pays taxes pays into the program, it is our money being returned to us in retirement.
- Banks should not be allowed to gamble with our money on the dividends market, domestic or internationally, and all banks should be made to put a plan in place to repay any and all bailout moneys they have received in 5 years. from here on out, the fed needs to acknowledge that there is no industry or business too large to fail, and let the chips fall where they may.
Reform the pharmaceutical industry, and make it so they can only charge 10% more than all production costs for any drug on the market. limit patents on drugs to 1 year, allowing lower cost generics to come to the market faster.
Do away with the electorial college, and all political races to be decided by popular vote count.
Other possible demands could include: Legalize marijuana, tax it as alcohol and tobacco industries, and use those tax funds to pay for universal health care.
add more money into the food stamp program. studies have shown this program to be the greatest stimulus program in existence, adding $1.78 for every $1.00 spent into the program through jobs within the local community. Increase the amount given by $100 per person on the program, expand the program to allow for the purchase of personal hygiene products and other products to increase demand and jobs in other industries within the local communities.
Offer tax incentives for any business that supplies at least 75% of it's own power through alternative power sources and green energy, such as solar and wind power.
Since the student loans are now owned by the US government, and it would not cause anyone to be out of pocket to do so, thanks to freddie mac and fannie may owning them all, immediately waive all student loans in default... lets give people a chance to catch back up from the great recession with one less bill held over their heads. Expand the department of education to allow for every student to have the first 2 years of college free, giving everyone an opportunity at bettering themselves and making them more valuable to industry as employees.
Reform immigration laws, anyone currently in our country illegally give them the opportunity to earn their citizenship by performing 10 hours of community service a week for 2 years time. if during that probationary term they commit any other illegal act they are to be deported and lose this opportunity. they did break the law to be here, and as such the community service should serve as their punishment for breaking such laws, as long as no other legal transgressions are committed.
with these changes, the unemployment rates across the country would drop, the american worker would be a valuable commodity in the global economy, and we would have the opportunity to return this country to the glory it once held.
I welcome any feedback on this topic, or suggestions so feel free to contact me through facebook: or through my personal e-mail:
Josh Davis-Pate written 11/02/2011 at 11:30 p.m.