Forum Post: A Starting Point for Demands and Reform
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 11:17 a.m. EST by mjdphilly987
from Yeadon, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
After thinking and researching the problems and trends that have brought us all to this place in time. Here are 4 concise action items that we need to focus on;
Start enforcing the laws on Wall Street. We have seen some of the worst crimes, such as bribery and insider trading. Market manipulation, and backroom dominance of government. This is nothing more than the usurping of the regulatory structure from within. None of these criminal, immoral and unethical acts have been addressed by our Government, the media and can't be seen by the public or put on TV.
End the Wars, In addition to Iraq, Afganistan, now Obama is invading Africa. This War machine must be dismantled and brought home. By simply removing our troops and influence from these regions we could balance our budget and provide needed funding to all of our social programs.
3.Change the election laws We need to stop all the backdoor annonymous donnation process. Put elected officials running for office on equal footing. Let the people decide, not corporations and super-pacs.
- Stop the forclosure process by initiating new legislation that would protect the consumer not the banking systems. Provide necessary allowances that would help the home owner maintain the residence.
Thank you so much for posting. Also for taking the time to really think it out and share it with others. The movement needs more people just like you. Creative thinkers with an attitude. Support the occupation movement
You hit it on the head with comment number three. All of your other comments stem from this one. The wars, weak wall street laws, and foreclosures all came about because we allowed special interests to legally bribe politicians to do their bidding.
yes, these are major problems that need correcting.