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Forum Post: A starting list for Occupy demands

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 2:23 p.m. EST by dmoney (3)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I'm going to make this very easy for a lot of you, as the "demands" topic seems to go unanswered as a cause:

-Term limits for all federal-le­vel political offices. -Federally funded campaigns and a ban on campaign contributi­ons. -A Constituti­onal Amendment that makes federally-­elected politician­s bound by the same laws that apply to the rest of us: no lifetime pensions, no special healthcare­, etc. and not be paid more than $50,000/yr for their part-time­ jobs as politician­s. -A new law that prohibits members of Congress/S­enate wealth ratio to be higher than the general US population (i.e. if only 2% of Americans are millionair­es, then only 2% of Congress can have a net worth of $1M).

  • A tax surcharge on CEO salaries and benefits if the net pay exceeds that of 20x the avg employees' salary.
  • Remove control of the presidenti­al debates from the two controllin­g parties. The League of Women Voters used to control it, which allowed for third parties to be included. Now the two parties control this farce.
  • Call for journalist­s to remove political bias from their organizati­ons (laughable­, I know, but we can dream). And put pressure on all major new organizati­ons to make sure the teleprompt­er-reading models actually put pressure on politician­s when interviewi­ng them, instead of accepting talking points.
  • Demand third-part­y election coverage from news organizati­ons.
  • Close tax loopholes that favor the wealthy.
  • Punish American-b­ased corporatio­ns with harsh tax penalties for jobs they ship overseas and/or manufactur­e goods overseas. This includes the most anti-Ameri­can corporatio­n, WalMart..



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[-] 2 points by Riseup (4) 13 years ago

Don't let ANY political party hitch their wagon to this movement! I have noticed some want to do just that! THEY, both DEMOCRAT and REPUBILCAN are to blame for this mess and allowing it to happen; INCLUDING OBAMA! They were not listening to us in the past, why now??? Vote them ALL out!!!! Too many middle and lower income people have already lost so much!!!

[-] 1 points by dmoney (3) 13 years ago

I agree. They are one in the same and both bow to the same forces on Wall Street and K Street. There's a reason they have silenced the voice of third parties. And they will a) discredit Occupy because it's a direct threat to their survival or b) try to jump on the bandwagon for their own gain. We need to upend both parties completely.

[-] 1 points by meg (30) 13 years ago

Can we put OWS in the Independant party? They're not too corrupt yet.

[-] 1 points by NielsH (212) 13 years ago

Here is another demand that should be completely uncontroversial.

Institute and maintain rock solid accounting standards

Over the last decade trillions have been lost due to improper accounting methods.


Enron (goes without saying)

Pentagon ($2.3 trillion could not be accounted for according to Rumsfelt on 9-10-2001)

Foreclosure crisis (ownership of real estate cannot be established)

Without proper accounting there cannot be a proper investment climate, without which there cannot be job growth.

[-] 1 points by MarcTwane (76) 13 years ago

Yes, what is ultimately required in the mortgage industry is the removal of MERS. The mortgage electronic registration system. There have been some Supreme Court Challenges, but without success. This is ultimately the reason banks were able to turn mortgages into commodities, and then start selling on the secondary market as CDO's. In most cases, it circumnavigates most legislation in place on a state/ local level that requires the sale of the note to be registered. It is actually completely illegal practice. On the same token, nobody owns the actual mortgage note, but yet the borrower is completely liable when in default and if they cannot afford representation, will be foreclosed on illegally as well.

[-] 1 points by Attilio (4) from Winston-Salem, NC 13 years ago

Each of these points need to be explored, to see their outcomes. ALL possible outcomes and effects need to be considered, both good and bad.

[-] 1 points by Riseup (4) 13 years ago

Make corporations who want to employ workers overseas pay heavy tarriffs to bring their goods back to the US! Also, make these bumbs pay their taxes!

[-] 1 points by Riseup (4) 13 years ago

Make corporations who want to employ workers overseas pay heavy tarriffs to bring their goods back to the US! Also, make these bumbs pay their taxes!

[-] 1 points by meg (30) 13 years ago

Science, Technology, Engineering and Medicine (some say m is math). These are the subjects young Americans need to be studying to compete in the global economy.

[-] 1 points by IdeasAreBulletproof (13) from Hagerstown, MD 13 years ago

Universal healthcare and education systems, banishment of the Federal Reserve Bank, establishment of clean renewable energy sources, laws requiring American companies to hire Americans and it's legal residents, establish a strong American manufacturing industry...

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

Here's some: End the wars, tax the rich, end the WTO, IMF, follow international law, get rid of the UN veto, green America, legalize hemp, break down the banks, regulate wall street, tax stock transfers, end capital flight, end corporate personhood, have a new Constitutional Convention.,,

[-] 1 points by dmoney (3) 13 years ago

See, that's the type of over-generalization we need to get away from.

[-] 1 points by frankchurch1 (839) from Jersey City, NJ 13 years ago

What do you mean?

[-] 1 points by meg (30) 13 years ago

Reduction in student loans for college kids who are studying STEM related subjects.

[-] 1 points by Attilio (4) from Winston-Salem, NC 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by meg (30) 13 years ago

Restrictions on tax loopholes for the superwealthy. Warren Buffet complains that he is not being taxed enough but I don't think he is volunteering his money

[-] 1 points by thenextsteps (21) 13 years ago

corporations being unable to influence politics and no longer being treated as an individual person so that corporate big wigs can be held responsible for their actions. If that happens the rest will follow.

[-] 1 points by Attilio (4) from Winston-Salem, NC 13 years ago

Yes, they need to be responsible for their actions. How could this be done? Making it so these "corporate big wigs" don't give politicians a reason to be corrupt in their favor? Keeping them from making campaign contributions?

[-] 1 points by dmoney (3) 13 years ago

The difficulty with this one, unfortunately, is that the Supreme Court is now just as corrupt as the other institutions. Otherwise, they would have struck down that ruling unanimously. Instead, they approved 5-4.