Forum Post: A Spree of State Crimes Against Democracy
Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 10, 2013, 2:15 p.m. EST by DouglasAdams
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This week we approach September 11th. This date now means a day of commemorative ceremonies and memorial services. Conversations I have had with several residents of New York City exposed an appalling degree of public misinformation and unawareness about the events and new discoveries that have surfaced since 2001.
The effect of science and technology in the community was a topic in one of my courses at univeristy. The 9/11 investigations are examples of how communities are impacted by science and technology in a number of ways. Would OWS present discussions of recent scientific and academic research on 9/11 if the information was provided? Here is a playlist from Youtube that examines the events of 9/11 from academic, scientific, and technology perspectives.
911 Education
Remember Michael Bloomberg as the incumbent Mayor of New York City who spent over $100 million of his own money to win his election to a third term after persuading the New York City Council to repeal the term limit law earlier in the same year. New Yorkers willingly threw their legacy of progressive liberalism “under the bus” for the possible “winning” lottery ticket of one more term for Bloomberg. In reality, Michael Bloomberg was the “Pied Piper” luring New Yorkers to their doom by the smell of his billions of dollars.
My friends are predicting a Lhota victory in the GOP New York City Mayoral primary. Despite New York City’s past reputation as a beacon of liberty, a severely conservative cloud, the fog of an anti-liberal agenda has shrouded the city for the past twenty years still threatens New York City’s future. New Yorkers are doing it again. NY Daily News reports Lhota is a social progressive: pro-gay marriage, pro-choice, pro-immigration reform, pro-gun control and pro-pot legalization.
He easily eclipses rival John Catsimatidis, a billionaire who asks voters to take on faith that a good heart and good intentions can make a mayor. Would that it were so. Vote Lhota.
Vote Lhota - ixzz2eVm6JNgt
With less than 18 months to go in Mr. Bloomberg’s unexpectedly long mayoral tenure, nearly three-quarters of New Yorkers said he should not have been allowed to run for a third term, according to the latest poll by The New York Times. (But the majority of those who voted: voted for him anyway!)
Still, unemployment remains at the top of residents’ concerns, and many New Yorkers are still troubled by the economy. That was particularly true of black and Hispanic residents, about 60 percent of whom said in the poll that the economy was poor. Just over half of white respondents said the economy was good.
The local media proclaim Bloomberg’s three terms New York City’s Mayor as transforming running city government into running a business. The problem that brings is businesses are outsourcing work to benefit from lower labor costs in foreign labor markets or undocumented workers. Therefore he has expanded support for multiculturalism at the expense of protected traditional American values.
Mayor Michael Bloomberg during his 12 years in office transformed the idea of governing New York City into a business, which is almost an impossible task, CNBC’s Karen Finerman said.
Bloomberg, in a magazine interview, dismissed de Blasio's campaign as "class warfare and racist." Asked to explain the inflammatory charge, Bloomberg said de Blasio is "making an appeal using his family to gain support. I think it's pretty obvious to anyone watching what he's been doing. I do not think he himself is racist. It's comparable to me pointing out I'm Jewish in attracting the Jewish vote."
Gov. Cuomo on Sunday ripped Mayor Bloomberg's remarks that Bill de Blasio is running a "racist" mayoral campaign as "unnecessary and inflammatory."
Cuomo, at a tailgating event in Buffalo, told reporters that "the comments that were reported clearly are out of line and have no place in our political discourse."
"There's a lot of important issues that we should be talking about and addressing, especially in the city of New York," he said. "We have education issues; we have the stop and frisk issue, so there are plenty of substantive issues to be discussing without raising unnecessary and inflammatory topics."
The World According to Bloomberg - ixzz2eVF5QdAq
The dust-up is more than just an ill-timed misstatement by Bloomberg. It may also illustrate his frustration and impatience after months of bashing by the Democratic mayoral candidates. A self-made billionaire who is the wealthiest person in New York, Bloomberg does not suffer fools gladly. "Hizzoner has a few choice words for you if he doesn't like your policy idea, but his words of choice are usually variations of dumb and stupid," the Daily News noted earlier this year.
"Mayor Bloomberg has the unlovely habit of hearing all sides of a question -- for about 60 seconds, when he trots out his personal thought-stopper: 'Let's get serious,'" columnist Richard Brookhiser noted in 2005. "This means that he is serious, you are not. He is smart, you are dumb. He has billions, you do not."
Finally, the real Michael Bloomberg stood up. The differences between conspiracy theory and the spree of state crimes against democracy is convincingly determined by who the actors are and who the beneficiaries are.
Does OWS know the differences between a conspiracy theory and a spree of state crimes against democracy? Abetting 9-11 Cover Up, Inviting the RNC to New York City for 2004 Convention, stunting public education reform, horrible low and middle income housing, high unemployment and rising costs of living. Most important is the failure of New York City to realize the need for a real 9-11 investigation.
It's pretty amazing how concerned citizens around the globe have produced enormous amounts of research material on new discoveries about 9-11 attacks after the 9-11 Commission Report was published, while we've heard almost nothing requesting a real 9-11 investigation from the Mayor's Office for twelve years.
State Crimes Against Democracy