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Forum Post: A Spiritual Awakening?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 11:03 a.m. EST by CarlVanDoren (2) from Boston, MA
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I am a strong advocate for the idea that the only way our world society will evolve and grow into a higher level one without the seeds of greed sewn into it is by one final unifying understanding of the universe. A compilation of science, philosophy and pieces of religious beliefs (East and West). Not to push anything that has helped me 'awaken' on you but for those of you right at the 'cusp' of spiritual awakening I would really suggest this short video series: http://www.esoterictube.com/spirit-science.html I'd suggest watching #1, 4, 5, 7 first then if you like them watch the rest in order. Keep up the good work everyone, and I'll be down there lending a hand when I fully understand my role in the movement! "The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal God and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things natural and spiritual as a meaningful unity.' - Albert Einstein



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[-] 1 points by CarlVanDoren (2) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

Wings, I like very much what your site has in it. However they speak much of Heaven and Hell and I think this is a way of thinking of our future in duality or polar consciousness. I think there will be a struggle here on earth over the next year and the outcome is ours for the making. There is only the present, and our world's attitude towards it can shape it at every moment.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Great post! I loved this series - completely fascinating. Hang on, though - the next few years are going to be a wild ride.
As the new, higher level of consciousness comes in, we are watching the death of the old global systems of control at this time - financial, political, social, religious, environmental, etcetera. Sacred geometry says that we are in a time of great transition and danger - societies that don't raise themselves to a more harmonious time will literally destroy themselves. I agree with those who have said we now have a narrow window of opportunity in human history to transcend our current relationship with each other and with the planet. We must break out of old beliefs that divide us, and old systems that have brought us to this point. They are deceptive and they are not solutions.

[-] 1 points by wings (3) 13 years ago

have a look at the site one-heaven.org it is the only fully worked out idea and model for a new free way of being in the world. it involves us taking up our position of executor and guardian of our children, the position the divine gave us and we are responsable for

[-] 1 points by CarlVanDoren (2) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

I totally agree, which is why my new found belief is totally leaderless. Its the understand of 'god' being inside of each of us yet there only being one god. When people start realizing their negative actions truly effect the health and well being of the victim, themselves, their community and the world in whole they will start to realize the power of love. I was an engineer in college, so until I was able to put the scientific pieces together I could not accept any forms of spirituality. These videos helped me make that final 'leap' of understanding that the truth is much more complex, unifying and gloriously wonderful then science could ever imagine.

[-] 1 points by Faithntruth (997) 13 years ago

I concur with sentiment. While big business is using psychology to manipulate us into ever increasing desire for things, we need to shut off their ability to manipulate. Read the studies available to understand what they are trying to do with marketing. Self actualization does not come from accumulating material or power, but in understanding our connectedness to each other and the universal consciousness, and growing in spirit through kindness.

Some people feel comfort and security in religious ritual, but never allow a religious leader to direct your belief. Dogma includes the man made rules attributed to achieving godliness and is social manipulation and control.