Forum Post: A solution to the oppressive capitalism system
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 3, 2012, 2:25 a.m. EST by thereal99percentofus
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I would like to propose the world's first citizen swap to make everybody happy and return the world to peace and stability.
Right now people are fighting, dying, and being tortured overseas for their rights to live in a free and democratic society: these are the citizens that live under socialist, and or totalitarian regimes.
But at the same time: there are people here in the United States rioting right now declaring they want an end to capitalism, and want socialist equality.
I have a solution: Lets do a citizen swap: the socialist regimes won't have to waste their money on bullets slaughters those fighting for democracy and individual rights and those citizens can come and live here in the United States in a free market capitalist system.
And those people who are declaring they want a revolution and an end to a democratic capitalist system can go and live in places like Syria and live in their dreamland socialist state free of nasty things like capitalism and individual rights where they state runs and controls everything in the name of the people and where all are treated "equally".
A citizen swap: those who want to live under socialism and a managed economy (ATTENTION ALL OCCUPY PROTESTERS YOU NEED NO REVOLUTION JUST MOVE AND LEAVE THE REST OF US THE REAL 99% ALONE) You can live under one in the countries that have that system you desire like Syria, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea. But those in those countries risking their lives to live free can come and take your place here here. (You can even take your tents with you.) Then everyone will be happy and have the government they deserve. Its simple no more revolution or riots just trade citizens. Our police in places like Oakland can have a rest, businesses can be left alone, no revolution here. And the dictatorships can have citizens who won't protest or revolt but will be content to have the government run their lives and distribute the wealth.
Sincerely Yours Part of the real 99% of us, just an average unemployed guy out looking for work instead of camping in the street or rioting.
You are a f'n genious!!!!!!!
They can occupy a cruise ship, even. I think there is an Italian captain looking for work :-)