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Forum Post: A solution to the 1% slow motion nightmare had its beginnings thousands of years ago. Currently operating successfully in 25 OECD nations.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 23, 2011, 2:12 p.m. EST by JoTerrence (50) from Palmdale, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

In choosing a solution to our mess it must be one we all can agree on. One that has addressed all the concerns of the 99ers as long as there have been 99ers throughout the civilized world. All of us have great ideas for our demands but they are unproven with some detractors. OWS needs to get behind one demand everyone can get behind known as a nemine dissentiente or without a dissenting vote. One demand that has no detractors anywhere in the world.

One that can easily be implemented with a world backing leaving no trouble or backtalk from the 1%. ( they are ready to fight any other solution we come up with)

One that all our Patrons have been calling for.

One that is explained with rules and mandates in books in our libraries.

One that is defined in all our dictionaries from 1960 on as public commissioned officials who with their armada of deputes set out on a humanitarian mission to investigate corruption and abuse throughout the quadrant. Oh, wait that’s the definition for Star Trek. This system was promoted in the Babylon 5 series.

One that is already acceptable to governments without our employees fearing what it is we employers may be machinating as they know this system from an introduced bill, along with an association pestering congress to pass this funding bill. Neither does the 1% fear this solution, they just go away understanding their defeat.

One where we can easily get a funding bill passed to put Investigators back to work. (The 1% erased all Investigators from existence as a first order of business) Only an informed society can oppose the machinators.

One that restores trust in our corrupted kakistocratic employees. In all societies there is always 15% of the population that live in denial, meaning that no one has any trust left to give our employees. This system promises a 65% trust in the first year. Getting it back up to the 80% will take longer.

One that restores our fourth estate, our Judicial and Congress.

One that the 1% cannot be a detractor to, even they understand Patrons protecting the progeny from depredators.

One that has been around for thousands of years.

One that 25 OECD nations have adopted.

One designed to get government to function as intended with a democratic representation instead of an unequal influence by corporate lobbyists.

One that protects a citizen (Troy Davis) from abuses by any agency.

One refined for 200 years.

One proven and embraced by 39 governments.

One adopted and proven by two of our 50 states.

One easy to adopt and ready to go.

What is happening is inevitable, our four estates with checks on corruption will slow things down but this system is designed to promote the general 99ers through opposing the powerful who would take it all unopposed.  The way the 1% sees it if a parent does not step in and say no they will continue to misbehave. On Sep. 17th parents said no.  We give our consent to a functioning as intended government and we give our consent to the New Guard which we are providing for our future security.  Government cannot appoint plenipotentiaries to investigate corruption in government, it does not work. We the 99ers are given this duty by our founding Patrons. However the Executive can appoint Chancellors to look into skullduggeries. Asking Barrack to form this office would fall outside our only demand of funding our New Guard nemesis investigative humanitarian administration. 
So briefly lets look at this detractor less system. For reference I use The Matrix. A council of Patrons is formed by those who meet or exceed all the definitions of a Patron. These citizens inherently have the power to commission officials to office as defined under patronage. This council supervises the director who is in charge of the hovercraft captains. These captains hack into all four estates, along with administrations and agencies to look for corruption in the machine world and then oppose it.  Our Declaration of Independence gives all of us the duty to provide New Guards for our future security. Detractors may detract from this brief conveyance but not after they read up on it as there are no detractors anywhere in the world.



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