Forum Post: A Social Wall Street?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 2:59 p.m. EST by Nulambda
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Wall Street is where business comes together to organize to generate wealth, right?
What if Occupy Wall Street is just the beginning of a Community Wall Street where social organizations come together to generate community good?
Maybe we are both two sides of the same coin and for prosperity we must work together if we are to liberate ourselves from the global financial cartel, i.e. The global cartels.
Or is that too hippie.... :)
Wall Street is a gambling house based on speculation of company shares
I agree that their are parts of wall street that behave tis way. But the ideavof business coming together with investors to raise capital for business(which provide services to the people) is a good idea. Corporations, the idea of joint partnerships to insure against loss, is a good idea. People also have the right to organize for nay reason. The problems you see are really a product of the debt=wealth system that the banking cartels have made even wall street dependent on.
Businesses are one of the main contributors to community, and Worldly good.
Lumping all business together is misleading, as in "business friendly", which is often great for CEO's of huge multinationals, while hiding policies which are a disaster for small business and for increased employment and prosperity for most of us.
Exactly. The problem is that global cartels have created monopolies under austerity measures and globalization that have worked to systematically take Main Streets wealth for themselves. This limits competion which limits job growth, forcing us to become dependent on them and making them "too big too fail".
The only way to break this cycle is tobstop depending on someone else to create a job for you. Create your own jobs. Help others employ themselves. Begin by providing the social services we need.
How would this version of Wall Street create jobs like the real Wall Street does?
Easy. Look at the organizations of people on the ground. All of these organizations are dedicated to some social cause. If all these organizations pulled together their resources and began serving the needs of the people, then they would be putting themselves to work and generating jobs and stimulating growth.
If we are the government, then it is up to each and everyone of us to provide these services. Why wait for someone to to give us a job, let's create our own jobs. Then we are providing the social safety nets and we are the government.
Serving a social cause is an activity, not necessarily a job. A job generates revenue that you can use to pay the rest and buy food and pay for health care. How would a coordinated group of social organizations generate revenue?
define revenue for me.
The only way I can see revenue being generated is by debt or interest based on the perceived future value of a good.
Is the reason the two are different because social causes have no market value so one can't generate revenue, though it has social value?
Yes that is correct. And like it or not, Wall Street also has social value because it generates jobs and drives the economy forward.
Just curious? What is your take on Occupy Wall Street, what is going on across the world, and what, if anything, we should be doing?
This is my personal opinion:
Thanks. I wrote a reply. Do you think a third party can unite the tea party and occupy wall street? I agree that if democracy is what we want, then citizen participation and election turnout should be top priorities. But I don't want either party. They have had more than enough time, and continue to do the exact opposite of what they were hired to do. Thoughts?
oh, the word "job" is a bad one around here. Communal Wall Street will create love and happiness.