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Forum Post: A Single Defining Goal To Rally Around

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 2:14 a.m. EST by WeOnceChangedTheWorld (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Some thoughts from a civil rights and Vietnam War-vintage protestor (1968 – 1972):

  1. Given the level of corruption and (organized) criminal activity the financial industry has engaged in around the world, and the amount of damage done to the American public, I’ve been disappointed at the utter lack outrage and grass-roots protest the past 3 years. I therefore applaud all of your efforts in finally taking to the streets and demanding accountability, justice, and change.

  2. I see a lot of different agendas in your movement – that is fine. BUT… you do need a single defining goal that people can focus on and rally around – a goal that even the relatively-conservative, common citizen can identify with.

The turning point for the Vietnam War protest movement came in October 1969, during The Moratorium, when office and factory workers joined the rallies during the lunch hour. This inclusion of “average” Americans changed the entire dynamic of the protest movement (it wasn’t just a bunch of “mangy hippies” anymore), and brought it into the mainstream. After that, it became a political necessity to end the war.

The defining goal for your movement might be the demand that the financial companies that caused the economic collapse implement a process to compensate individual American citizens for the financial damages they have suffered*. Damages like loss of income, out-of-pocket costs to cover medical expenses after involuntary loss of insurance coverage, loss of equity in seized property (foreclosures and repossessions), costs related to involuntary relocations, and the expenses associated with predatory lending activities (obscene credit card penalty fees and default interest rates).

In 1969, they said that a bunch of radical, long-hair kids couldn’t change the way the world worked…. but we did. And so can you. Surround and isolate the assholes who compromised the security of this country for their own greed and unjustifiable profit, shut them down, and don’t let them move freely amongst us until they agree to fully confess their criminal activities and justly compensate all those Americans who were damaged by their greed and recklessness.

The whole world is watching!

  • e.g., A $ 2.5 Trillion compensation fund setup by the likes of Citi Group, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, US Bancorp, Standard & Poors, Fitch, Moodys, AIG, and the other criminal conspirators



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[-] 1 points by policyPhD (7) 13 years ago

And, about that single defining goal? What about "economic justice" - short, sweet, broad enough to encompass all sorts of things from jobs, bailout pay-back, sustainability, etc.

[-] 1 points by policyPhD (7) 13 years ago

I too am a boomer who came of age in the late 60's. I've kept up the good fight these 40 years of wandering in the wilderness and am very encouraged by what's happening.

What do you think about resurrecting our old anthem from Thunderclap Newman -- Something in the Air -- and linking it to the growing movement. It might reignite that spark of social responsibility in our cohort and get them thinking about changing the world -- AGAIN!



[-] 1 points by gypsyrunning (3) 13 years ago

The one way to take back the Fed, is to take their money away. Has it never occurred to anyone that its OUR money they are using? If you take your money out of banks, they don't have bankers.. there for they don't have wall street. IF you don't pay your FEDeral tax, which is illegal anyway you break them. Just don't give them your money. I know some would say they need their credit card and don't want to do that, however if you trade security for freedom.. you deserve neither, we all know that saying. Didn't we hear as children to save for what we want. If you don't have the money don't buy it? Well.. now is our chance to start saving, with our money. Remove it from the banks and save it our selves.

[-] 1 points by Toddtjs (187) 13 years ago

Simple. Put together a petition to ban all lobbying. Vote out all the politicians who won't go along with it.

[-] 1 points by SeparationOfCorpandState (81) from Muskegon, MI 13 years ago

I find these truths to be self evident and agree with your main premise that Corporation have to much control of our government and create a conflict of interest. I suggest that the reverse is also possibly true. The award winning documentary film " Inside Job" sheds light on the financial meltdown and why it happened (Greed). The main point is that Government has no business being involved in Corporations and Corporations have no business being involved in Government. Our government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth (Not a government of corporations, by corporation, for corporations). Just as we found there was no place for Government involvement with Religion and visa versa, we have the 1st Amendment "Separation of Church and State". Therefore we should move for another Amendment of "SEPARATION OF CORPORATIONS AND STATE"! There is no room for one meddling in the other. The governments role is to create laws to protect the people from Greedy Corporations that steal our money and livelihood.