Forum Post: A Simple look at the US economic picture
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 23, 2011, 9:41 p.m. EST by Soldier
from St John, NB
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The so-dubbed "1%"
The Federal Reserve
The United States Government (Via the Department of the Treasury)
\/ \/
The Banking System The Stock Exchange
\/ \/
The People (debt) Corporations (credit)
The Federal Reserve should not be allowed to be on top of this diagram. They are not responsible to the people and are accountable only to its board and chair.
A more reasonable system would be a series of cooperatives, owned by the people who use its products or services, which are then in turn responsible for managing a regions Natural Resources, Private Services, and Public Services.
The education and secondary training institutions would be created out of demand for certain skill sets to a regions natural resources and private demands.
It would look more like this:
The People
The Cooperatives
\/ \/ \/
Private Services Natural Resources Public Services
The People
I know the quality and clarity is low, I will prepare a better document, but before I do, feedback and criticism is well received.
Thanks, MM
Your head and heart are in the right place, brother or sister! Any economic or political system that cares about the needs of human beings and protects their environment, produces and distributes goods and services for the benefit of all, must be democratic and run by the people. Today everything is upside down, just like you describe! Thanks for reading.
Also the military industrial complex, the war machine for corporations profits, representing half of the budget deficit at the taxpayers expanses.
I met a businessman years ago who told me "Money to the economy is like blood to the needs to keep moving"
Thank you for your words 13island31. I really appreciate it!
No system can be democratic if the corporations are influencing political power based on economic demand.