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Forum Post: a simple demand that needs to be repeated over and over again

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 10:34 a.m. EST by reice0116 (17)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I love this movement, but am increasingly worried that the multiple ways of describing what its about fogs the air and makes it easy for naysayers to dismiss, and can also lead to infighting.

There are a lot of different beliefs and political views out on the street which is fantastic, because when you represent the 99% you can't dismiss the diversity of thought that goes with that.

However, there is one central message that needs to be repeated and driven home over and over again.

Stop money from dictating policy.

That is the root cause of all the other issues. When there are restrictions put on the money given to public servants, we will have PUBLIC servants again who will work for our vote instead of pretending too. Then we can have a REAL discussion in washington where all our other issues can be addressed in a democracy that operates the way it is suppose to.

Stop the hatred and anger over those who make a lot of money - just fight to have their influence be equal to ours.



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[-] 1 points by Vincenzo (47) 13 years ago

Great, simple, catchy slogans:

Money out of politics!

Get the money out!

[-] 1 points by concernedinutah (102) 13 years ago

Very well said! You hit it on the head - keep talking about this with everyone you come into contact with. What we need is real campaign finance reform. People making money is not the problem. The problem is when they use their money to corrupt the political process - when corporations and special interests and their paid lobbyists bribe officials to stack the deck in their favor and skew the playing field to the point that true competition in the market place is lost.