Forum Post: A serious question
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 2:53 p.m. EST by Harry
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am a very big fan of this movement. I have been following this movement since a long time. I never understood one thing though. Why is it that every time anywhere in the world if anybody tries to question the corporates or the governments they are labelled as communists and declared outcast ? Why on earth cant you question a government decision or a corporate destroying your own resources. If nothing was done to punish the wrong doers at wall street what is wrong with showing that you care about your country ?
For the same reason that people that are conservatives are called facists, rednecks, racists, stupid, etc. They are all just names, and shouldn't be taken seriously. People should move beyond this rhetoric and realise that the system may be breaking down. These Wall Street accounting practices, for want of a better word (thievery) are the real problems. The affect "socialists" and "facists" all of whom are the 99%.
McCarthy lives in this thread. And his name is Glaucon/Thrasymaque.
Unfortunately, the public is losing interest of this movement since there was no leadership and only generalizations of their demands. There were so many that the message got lost and the media picked up on that and ran with it.
Why are there rules on posting comments
why shouldnt there be rules ?
I just wondered because OWS is so intent on disrupting life in America by not following established and accepted rules which govern peaceful and acceptable behavior.
It's called 'disinformation' and 'politicizing'. It doesn't matter that the OWS is not about socialism or communism. As long as the bureaucrats and their media puppets keep saying "socialism" and "communism" then the sheeple across the Country will eventually believe it. That is their tactic. And that is why the only solution is to clean house... clean the slate... and send Wall Street and Washington D.C. packing. Only then can we start over with a fresh new set of Leaders with a moral conscience who represent the best interest of a People and a Nation.
Are you serious, patriot? Are you telling me that you do not ever want OWS philosophy to become incorporated in political change (politicizing)? And are the people to only be entitled to the "correct" information (the "facts" you agree with)? Wall St. needs to be harnessed to the extent that they are able to bring our economy to its knees. They provide a valuable service in raising tremendous amounts of money for companies to grow, buy equipment, hire people, etc. which little local credit unions could never do. You don't need to get rid of them. The ones who break the law should be prosecuted. Laws need to be simple and enforced. You break it, you go to jail. Main thing is to completely divorce corporate funds from campaign funding. Most politicians are (probably) fairly decent people at heart who feel trapped in a no-win situation where they can't get elected without fortresses of money, and they can't get that money without going to large organizations for it. And those large organizations have no reason to give it if they are not going to benefit in some way. If that obstacle were removed, the pols could conceivably get back to answering to the people.
Thank you. In your own words... you just described why Wall Street and Washington D.C. need to be gutted with a fresh new start. In your own words, they all "feel trapped". So, why do they feel trapped? Because they have bastardized and criminalized the best form of democracy in the world-- with their greed and lack of moral conscience.
I agree but before they can say i have seen people in general saying this which s really sad. I would like to think these people should be educated what these words mean
but the movement is for socialism despite which ever way you want to make it look.
Watch the movie V for Vendetta. Also, the movie Shooter. We have allowed this to happen to us by taking a passive role in our government; I am guilty of this, but I am not interested in participating in a fixed game where we must vote for the lesser of 2 evils; the system needs to be reformed. Massive justice needs to happen within the world economy. All those bankers and government personnel that contributed to robbing people of their homes, their money and their retirement need to be rightfully brought to justice. This would be a good start to get consumer confidence up and going. Also, greed is bad! Do more with less and help people more, remember please and thank you?! Put yourself in the position to make less $ and have more healthy interactive family time. Stop buying so many material things "they" end up owning you and my they I mean the "fat cats" and material posessions. I believe money should be less of a focus in our government and thus demoting greed and thus demoting unhappiness. We need to create a .newgov for elections.
Here's the thing, Harry. It's called freedom. And either you're free or you're not. While you might want everyone to "do more with less and help more people" and "have more interactive family time", perhaps there are people who wish to spend a lot of money and help people at the same time? Maybe they have money but are antisocial and like to go hiking by themselves instead? The point is, as always, what are you going to mandate by the state? Will you make everyone contribute to your utopia, just some people, and in what ways (financially, volunteering)? Then after you pass laws and regulations, you have to have more people for enforcement of your laws and regulations. Less freedom, my friend.
gforz, I appreciate this reply to Harry.
With the American Communist Party supporting OWS, and when many of your own members are opposed to things like private ownership of land and are in favor of redistributing the wealth, it's fairly clear that OWS has, at the very least, rather communistic and/or socialistic leanings.
The churches support the OWS movement also. So do 72% of the people.
we need to have background checks and interviews with their college professors prior to sending them away for a "higher" education.
LOL so typical and yet the militias and right wing attacks are considered 'isolated incidents' but for your story line your conflate that because someone joins a movement the movement is only that? To quote one of your own, "You Lie" - Rep Wilson
Occupy has labeled themselves as communists. Some of their posters use the exact same images of old Russian communist posters.