Forum Post: A Republic
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 29, 2012, 9:37 p.m. EST by asauti
from Port Orchard, WA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I live in a Republic. A Republic is a nation based on "the rule of law". That law comes from our written Constitution.
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands..."
My question: Do you find anything incorrect with my post?
Yes...You forgot to put in "Banana" before Republic...Other than that I'm more than happy to let you go about your life thinking you live in a Constitutional Republic..
Our government is now Fascist...That's a fact..
I hate to agree with you, but unless we face our problems, we will not be able to solve them.
The Constitution of the United States is IMHO one of the greatest documents ever written, second only to the Holy Bible. Sadly, both are neglected. We have been infiltrated by ravening wolves, but Almighty God is far greater!
RonF*ckingPaul...and I may be very wrong...but what the Hell...It's exactly what TPTB doesn't want, and so yea, I want it..
I voted for him last night in FL. I don't agree with gold backed currency and especially not competeing currencies. I LOVE his foreign policy. END the phoney wars!
Private issuance and regulation of our currency and credit is the root cause of all our many problems. Over time whoever controls the currency will control the nation.
Then I would recommend WE ELECT a person who is going to return us to a strict adherence to the Constitution.
Yes, absolutely. Do you have anybody in mind?
Sounds good to me..
The interpretation of the Constitution is the real issue, not the fact that it simply exists.
And there is the problem. Our clown of a justice system actually leaves the interpretation of the Constitution to petty tyrants in mumuus.
Exactly and are you libertarian? Because the way I see it, the libertarians are serving as the fundamentalists. They don't want to interpret it at all.
No. I am not a libertarian. What has that to do with it?
I'm not familiar with your position as I haven't seen many of your postings and didn't want to attack you if you were libertarian.
Thank you.
A republic is a representative government, elected by the people. Our representatives are bought by corporations, special interests, and wealthy individuals. The people are brainwashed into thinking they choose the candidates. If the government of a republic is in effect decided by the few, instead of the many, it is not a democracy or a republic.
How about the "People's Republic of America"
Nixon never went on trial for treason.
So much for rule of law.
The pledge was written by socialist minister, F. Bellamy in 1892.
They messed it up in 1954.
I don't understand your point. And if the law and courts are corrupted? What then?
The Founding Fathers would probably say that a revolution is then necessary.
Good point.
The whole point of the system we have is to allow us to do so. Is it not?
Too bad the majority of Americans would not tolerate a revolution.
We as Americans need to defend Our Constitution. It's the Constitution that declares the freedoms that each of us have, which it also says we have inherently. It is that document I would encourage everyone to embrace. We need to vote for the people who will truly defend our freedoms as they are defined by Law.
You left out "of the United States of America" after flag. Otherwise nothing else.
Good call. I fixed it.
And now that I did, my intent wasn't to purposely leave out anything of the technical nature. My actual intent is to encourage people to comment on the philosophical nature of my post.