Forum Post: A Real Political Shame
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 12, 2011, 8:28 a.m. EST by timeisnow
from Rockford, IL
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When the Republican candidates all threw their names on the ballot it didnt take long for the media to pick favorites. Early when Ron Paul was winning or getting second in the polls he would still be lucky to hear his name even once on the news. The media blocked any attention to Paul. Our only candidate who really wanted to change our broken corrupted system was a victim of a media blackout as he continues to be. Because of the blackout he is no longer up on the polls, not that the republicans wanted him running anyway. This is why this country can never change without first being broken. That must be our goal to break the system at whatever the cost. Just think we will have to vote between two of the same kind of guys that we have had to pick from for decades now. Nobody who really cares about the people on the street, only their pockets, and the pockets of their friends. Woo Hoo Obama, Cain, Romney, WTF IS THE DIFFERENCE