Forum Post: A question that I posed elsewhere.
Posted 9 years ago on March 1, 2015, 10:38 p.m. EST by DKAtoday
from Coon Rapids, MN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
SO . . . . just exactly why ????? is it that radicalized extremists go after and kill = innocent people who have nothing to do with the horrific state in which millions live? I Mean ( and this is not ad-vocation ) why don't extremists of ANY and ALL persuasions - GO AFTER THE ASSHOLES THAT ARE GRINDING THEM FACE 1st INTO THE MUD ???? YOU Know = The Members of Government and The Extremely Wealthy And Their Corp(se)oRATions !!! Why is it innocents which get targeted - WHY ISN'T IT the ABUSERS ???
first off
let's not call these suicide bombers "radial extremist" ???
suicide indicates that these people have already given up on life
I'd wager most are mules
Good question. I poist that the 1% got these extermists either fooled or under their control. I know its an old tactic of the U.S.A. government to create mayhem in the Middle-East so as to get all these arab groups to fight one another. I quess the black-white thing is being perpetuated here Stateside so that we common folk never really get together and address our mutual antagonists. I even question this 1% versus 99% thing.... The list of examples can go on and on. It would be nice if these extremists could wise up a bit, and at least direct their anger upon those 3d party goons who are really causing the mess.
You make a good point = " I know its an old tactic of the U.S.A. government to create mayhem in the Middle-East so as to get all these arab groups to fight one another."
There is money to be had in working for the CIA. And those assholes who are making the money - are not the ones wearing suicide bomb vests. They are the ones recruiting the suicide-rs and sending em out into the market places to kill innocent bystanders.
You got that right. One wonders at the depth of ignorance that feeds these middlemen countless willing sacrifices. Sooner or later one would expect for people to wise up.
Hey DKA, have posted this before, but fell compelled to repeat.