Forum Post: A question for any OWS supporter: If another large group wanted to use Zuccotti Park to protest and sleep there for days, what would you do?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 1:02 p.m. EST by JohnnyGuy01
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What does your "interpretation" of the Constitution allow for in that instance?
You seem to believe the Constitution grants you the right to sleep in tents in Public spaces and no laws can trump that...right?
If another equally large group wanted to also use Zuccotti, then what?
Then we fight...using interpretive dance!
more the merrier!
What if the the 2 groups disagree on most everything?
if they talk to one another like respectable people, then they would probably find out that they are scared about the same things, once that happens, understanding is sure to fallow. but I'd suggest they try it over the internet first.
I should have been more specific. I mean what if the group is one protesting OWS? Even if the 2nd group is not necessarily against OWS but wants to use the park for some unrelated reason. Would OWS leave and let them have it?
OWS has the right to voice their opinions and take to the streets and make noise in any way they see fit to get the fat assed greedy corporate and congressional capitalistic abusing pigs to FOR ONCE step up to the podium and ANSWER for themselves. This movement is a push in the right direction for freedom from the shackles that congress and our financial monguls - aka LARGE banking institutions and LARGE corporate entities have put around us 99% ers. They have taken over all that true capitalism stands for. Did you see 60 minutes on Sunday???? WELL GO watch it and learn something. The bull shit coverups by congress is going to end and OWS'ers are for cleaning up all the grime and pollution that has krept into the government and put many many laws into place that make many 1%'ers RICH - LIKE MADAM PELOSI - what a crock she is!
If it grows and gets enough support, OWS has the national exposure to co-opt the Democrat party, run its' own candidates and make change happen. It has to stop just listing what it wants someone else to do for it. It might be close to impossible in the red states, but not in the blue, and even coming close would scare some of the career politicians to shift your way.
you didn't answer my specifc just went on an incoherent tirade.
can you try addressing my question and do it calmly this time?
if you asked a relevant and coherent question that would help. yes i would "do it" ... assume you mean support another group if it was for something i stood for yes i'd support it.
If by "do it" you mean would i sleep in the park ... again thats an afirmative if its for a cause i support and i had the time and the ability in my life to do it.
Write coherently yourself bub.
The constitution allows for protests and taking to the streets to voice opinions en masse - peaceful bla bla. When they over step their bounds or their so called "welcome" then the local yocal cops should do their jobs and help clean it up. If they are not going to be allowed to sleep there - so beit - OWS will find another way to continue spreading their distaste for existing systems and laws and fight for change to improve this lovely place so we can ALL live and sustain and maintain our lives -
Got it now?
ok, I will try a very simple question:
Is it your interpretation of the Constitution that no other law can trump your 1st amendment right to protest in a public space?
it's a simple yes or no?
that would be a NO. Simple.
Any amendment, law, regulation is a living freakin document - all up for barter, negotiation and change when the voting parties see that existing verbiage ain't workin! Yes even the Constitution should be gleaned for updating and changes to bring it more in line with running this country with equality and justice the way it should be run. Special interests GONE - C-YA... Gains for the 1% and to hell with the 99% - that won't work either - laws that impact this corruption need to change -
Sorry, I wasn't asking if the Constitution could be changed...of course it can...yes, laws can be changed.
I was simply asking if OWS believes the 1st Amendment CURRENTLY allows for no other law to trump their right to protest in a public space?
For example, can City Govts require permits for the right to protest in a public space?
and i answered you- NO
i believe city govs can trump... most often the umbrella laws are overridden by local which most often are more stict by nature.
ok...I agree.
lol...I don't know why then we had to dance around this very simple question.
It would seem that many OWS don't agree...
i'm a member of the Tea Party and wondered if you would clear out so we can have a family type pep rally?
I live near a park that has some picnic tables and built in grills.
There are about ten. If I want a table and a grill on Saturday morning, I have to get there before the park fills up. If I go there at 2 pm and all the tables are taken, too bad for me.
I don't get a table. I have to go sit somewhere else.
so it's a first come first serve deal, eh?
Once someone sets up a tent in Zuccotti, they lay claim to that plot of land...forever??
If they go to the restroom, can I move their tent and setup my own?
What's your Constitutional interpretation?
If the picnic table users go to play basketball and leave their stuff at the table, I wouldn't move it and take the table. I don't think the Constitution gives me a right to.
you keep dodging the question, friend...
I'll try again.
Does OWS interpret the Constitution to say that once a protester sets up their tent in Zuccotti Park, they can remain in that location indefinitely...and once the park is full of OWS protesters, no other PUBLIC CITIZENS can ever use the park again?
it's a simple yes or no.
I can't answer a question on behalf of OWS.
You said: "Does OWS interpret..." I am not OWS. I can't tell you what their "interpretation" of anything is. I am telling you what my expectations are and what my local customs are in regards to park use.
And does their interpretation of the Constitution mean anything, anyway?
Courts interpret the constitution. Courts will decide if the law supports what the protestors are doing or what the mayor has done.
You might want to find out what courts have decided on similar manners if you're really concerned about Constitutional issues (and not just trolling : ))
Ah...I see what the problem is now...
you missed this part of my Post: "A question for any OWS supporter"
you are asking people who believe they are the 99% if another group wanted to use the space?
the only group left is the 1%. unless my state school math is flawed.
and you've seen video after video of everyone not shouting beside them being called the 1%
no, no one else but OWS would have a right. because we are the 99%. lol
what's funny is that you actually think that just because OWS says it speaks for 99% of Americans...that it actually does!
OWS has less than 30% support in the latest polls.
it's called a CLUE...get one!
Americans will NEVER support a movement originally started by Anarchists and now supported by Marxists and Communists.
Dang straight. Look at my moniker. I, like so many other, fit the financial definition of being in the 99%, but we in only a very few ways share any issues.
hey ding dong. read again, maybe 3 times before you reply :)
you have no clue what I think but if you DO read it again you'll see that I know better.
I'll even try another simple question for the OWS 1st Amendment scholars:
Is it your interpretation of the Constitution that no other law can trump your first amendment right to protest in a public space?
it's a simple yes or no?
Each party sends out a representative.
Counting to three, each representative turns around, and passes gas. A general assembly will vote on which representative was loudest, heartiest, longest, with stylistic bonus points.
The winner gets the park for a day until 11:30am the following day.
At 11:30, the police will evict the park peacefully.
Brookfield properties will clean the park.
And the shootout will take place again at high noon. Rinse and repeat.
I love it :)
the sound emanating from each anus would make more sense than anything we have heard from protesters thus far.
That's a tough question to answer, since no other group is that fucking stupid, to camp there.. permanency, living in tents and shitting in buckets
"JohnnyGuy01" = TROLL
Is this all you do is call people troll tiouaise?
Ignoring ;-)
silence all dissent?
is that the OWS motto now?
I think it's a communist strategy if my memory serves me well.
Then message board trolling must be a fascist strategy.
Possibly, but I like criticism. I feed on it for It sharpens my thought and makes me stronger. My only hope is that you offer constructive arguments. The more the better.