Forum Post: A proposal to identify our objectives and those who we oppose.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 5:14 a.m. EST by cnhaynes
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I would like to propose that we call the movement the OWLS ( Occupy Wall Street League) The owl is a wise and watchful bird, the same traits that we will need to wrest back our democracy from the greedy.
I would also like to suggest that we will need a platform, in other words, identify the actual people who are responsible for the takeover of our democracy, and to quantify the actions that they have taken to rob us.
One example, is that Wall street has successfully manipulated us into thinking that they just used our pension funds and such to gamble in risky deals, and the money was lost. The money was not lost. It did not disappear. They owned the casino. They lost the money to themselves. Through transferring the money back and forth between so called financial institutions that they owned globally, including the FED, which they also own, they hid the money so that it could not be traced. The money still exists, and many of us know who has it. We must identify and arrest these people, and get the funds back.
There is also the matter of the Supreme Court of the United States backing a bill that allows any entity any place in the world to donate any amount of money to any political campaign. Only an idiot would not realize that this opens up our government to take over by any government or financial entity who wishes to spend the money. We can see how big Corporations hold sway over our political leaders. When North Korea can run it's own candidate in our elections, we're done.
I also think that anyone who would support this, such as Chief Justice John Roberts, is guilty of treason against the United States, and should be impeached. It is obvious that the global robbers have influence deep in our government, and it must be rooted out. Thankfully we still have the constitution, though it is under a dire threat. It offers the solutions to these threats. Election of honest officials, and impeachment of those officials guilty of crimes against our nation.
Finally, we must be firm in our anti violence stance. Those who oppose us will, and already have infiltrated our group. They will create violence, use drugs openly, and other criminal activity to diminish our effectiveness, as occurred in Rome. A lot of police violence stems from these activities. We must show that we are good citizens with real grievances against our government, if we are to be are to be taken seriously over the long haul. If we do not get this right, our democracy will be gone in a very short time.
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