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Forum Post: A Proposal

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 2:32 p.m. EST by adepetro1 (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What we know:

During the fall of 2008… as Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, WellsFargo, and Citigroup (and associates) were going under (all of whom fund various member of both the democratic and republican party)… the United States government, refusing to let theses companies fail, erased the banks’ debt with a hypothetical $700 billion dollars of tax payer money.

If the government has the power in this country to will away the debt of the large corporations that feed their greed, THEN it also has the power to will away the debt of the middle class.


If the government erased the student loan and medical debt from every US citizen, of which every citizen has a right, and rightfully deserves, a decent education and unlimited health care, it would bring the middle class closer to equality.

Let us all start at zero.




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[-] 1 points by amanoftheland (452) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

Henry Ford once said " It is well enough that the people of this nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning"... Well Henry, tomorrow morning has arrived Because the American people now know how the banking and monetary systems work in this country and I am one of them. I know where the wealth of the American people is hidden! A more actionable plan would be to simply teach people how to access their trust funds held by the US government.

[-] 1 points by MJT (138) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

There's no actionable idea here - you're a beautiful thinker though! I'm encouraging people to strike while the iron is hot and shut down BofA by closing all of our accounts on Thursday 10/13/2011. Once we have the attention of the nation, your idea will have more traction and action!

[-] 1 points by adepetro1 (2) 13 years ago

"If we let the Bush tax cuts expire… the tax cuts for the top 2% of the wealthiest Americans , we would be out of debt in just over 5 years...

Make the 2% to pay the level of taxes that they were paying under the Clinton Administration."


[-] 1 points by zowhatian (31) 13 years ago

Whoa there! 2%? We're not the 98%, buddy, we're the 99%! You just doubled the aims of this whole thing! Slow down!

[-] 1 points by adepetro1 (2) 13 years ago

My B...that was the statistic I found... I didn't want to lie just so that it would fit our slogan.