Forum Post: A Profound Something Happened to Me
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 20, 2012, 8:02 p.m. EST by paildonkey
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Ok, I know some people will think this is irrelevant and sheer insanity; but I had a vision. I was sitting in my tent. I was pondering what George Orwell would think about what is happening to this nation. Before I knew what was happening my tent weas engulfed and bombarded by convex indentations in the shape of people (their upper torsos) and they were pounding on my tent, like they were begging be let in, begging for their voices to be heard. I was beyond perplexed, past the stage of terror, but at the same time I was comforted; somehow knowing that what was happening was good. A voice said to me "THIS IS WHAT THE PEOPLE WILL WANT" The beating of my tent by these "apparitions" continued for about 15 seconds. Then abrubptly stopped and peace ensued. I'm not sure what this means yet. Still trying to figure it out.
Is this sarcasm? If it is then fair enough but if its not then I suggest listening to what this "vision" is trying to tell you. If the "vision" occurred when smoking drugs then I wouldn't worry yourself too much.