Forum Post: A Prediction of "Occupy" in TIME Magazine March issue
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 4:19 p.m. EST by EllaLeeYoshi
from Gunnison, CO
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
TIME Magazine's March 2011 issue listed "10 ideas for the next 10 years"... a projection of possible happenings that could occur as American faced a new decade. One of the sub-articles, I believe the fourth or fifth, titled "The Dropout Economy" predicted movement within the middle-class as we begin to become dissatisfied with conventional jobs and education as well as the division of wealth in the country, stating: "...we're on the cusp of a dropout revolution, one that will spark an era of experimentation in new ways to learn and new ways to live."
Here's a link to the article for anyone who is interested in reading! Knowledge is power!,28804,1971133_1971110_1971126,00.html