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Forum Post: A Powerful Protest

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 11:53 a.m. EST by Bluewater6768 (1)
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A Powerful Protest would be for a single volunteer to sit on the ground in the center of the park with no food or shelter. That person would sit cross-legged on that spot for as long as they could or until medical intervention was necessary. As that person is helped away, another volunteer takes there place, then another and another 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All other protesters encircle that one locking arms if confronted protecting that one protester. The symbolism is powerful, the masses of people defending and protecting a single helpless, voiceless soul against the system. It would be reminiscent of Gondi and the monk protesting the Vietnam War. Live streaming video to the internet anyone??? Thank you for standing up for all of us. God Bless William Estlick Sr. Mashpee, MA



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