Forum Post: a possible demand: end Selective Service and destroy its databases
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 9:26 a.m. EST by AlanBrooks
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we could ask that all hidden files and databases connected with Selective Service be destroyed.
Agreed. If draft registration is just a ritual, then it's creepy and wrong. If it's a bureaucratic hangover, then it's a huge waste of money. And if it's actually part of some plan to restore the draft, then it means that the government is plotting to make kids fight and die for these stupid wars they keep coming up with without even paying them. Consider how small that payment really is - a $1000 wage difference for a million soldiers only costs $1 billion, chickenfeed by Washington war budget standards. It is as if Congress wants to preserve its right to disrespect soldiers just to make a point, that they're peons and can't expect any real recognition of what they've gone through, like they did in World War I and so many other occasions. (It's also one of the many instances where Republicans favor Communism...)
I know that 18 year olds have to register for the draft, but there is no draft. Is there an actual Selective Service system in place at this point? That is, are there Selective Service Boards? I thought not and it seems to me that it would take some time to get such a system up and running.
"Is there an actual Selective Service system in place at this point?"
There are certainly records-- databases and files. Many youths have had to register, so their registrations must be sent somewhere; at least into cyberspace.
"then it's creepy and wrong."
Ageist as well; conscription (even merely Draft registration) is saying youth aren't as valuable- they can be used as cannon fodder. Or it is saying youth are VERY valuable- as cannon fodder!