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Forum Post: A Posible Solution To The Problem

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 4:48 a.m. EST by TheKingofHearts (14)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It seems to me that most of the people on here have some sort of decent point, but my question is, how are we going to solve this problem by disempowering the 1%, who make the jobs and improve the economy, or by regulating them, in which case ether more jobs will be sent over seas or else they will simply raise the price of products to make up for their loses and WE will eventually pay for it. I would instead propose that we take away their real power, which lies in outsourcing work to countries where it can be done cheaper, the copy rights they hold, and there ability to cope with regulations or avoid them through legal means, and the land they own, and financial power over elections. We could possibly work towards this by:

  1. Reimposing tariffs on incoming goods in the way originally set up by our forefathers and initially intended to be the only source of government income. The purpose of which would be to raise the price of foreign goods to the price of the cheapest comparable American good, and revers the flow of money so that foreign countries are paying us instead of us paying them, as well as creating MILLIONS of jobs

  2. Limiting copy rights so that they last a MAXIMUM of 5 years and are nonrenewable. The supreme court stated that copyrights were created for the purpose of inspiring creativity. 10s of millions of dollars should be more then enough for that. At the moment, you can NOT walk into a store, see something thats interesting, go home, build it, sell it and make a living off it. Imagine what Microsoft would have been like if after 5 years, any person or company who wanted to, could have started developing off the base system, we would have thousands of jobs and several incredible op systems instead of one guy with a copy right monopoly and 10s of billions of dollars. (for any one who thinks this can't work, China operates with NO copyrights at all)

  3. Largely deregulating companies who's top beneficiary is making under 1 million dollars a year would be incredibly helpful. I know a lot of people would not like this and I understand, they have a right to be upset. But the top 1% are making FAR more then this and the regulations we impose on THEM are also imposed on small businesses often making it impossible for them to succeed, where for large ones its ether easy or they have the legal power to ovoid it. I have a friend who runs a landscaping business and he's his only employee. He's not allowed to mow to large a FIELD of grass without getting a more expensive permit then he already has, which is easy for large businesses, while he has a family of 5, a home lone, and is making under $40,000 a year. You should not have to pay so that you can make money.

  4. Opening up land reserves and selling to consumers or especially small companies with development potential. Again I understand opposition to this step, especially from environmentalists, but I don't think people realise just how much land there is. It would take weeks if not months for the best of us to cross just the continental part of our country on foot, and almost all of the country (especially the west) is just open land. When the frontier was closed it destroyed thousands of jobs hit the economy worse. How many of you live in a town that was founded in the las 20 years, 50 years, 100 years? We are not growing any more and need to make wise and reasonable use of our resources. Almost all of which are open are currently controlled by the 1%.

  5. Companies (other inherently political organizations) should not be allowed to donate to candidates at all, considering they cannot possibly represent the views of every person in their company, and personal donations should be limited to 1 million dollars. You can run an entire campaign traveling all over the country on a million dollars. In fact you can live your whole life without working a day quit comfortably on a million dollars. There is no reason any one person should need to donate more then that, elections should be about people not money.

I'm not sher if all or any of this would work, I'm not a politician and I'm not a rich man, in fact I have only a few hundred dollars in everything I own, but I hope this is useful to some one. I would suggest that these things be "carried out" rather then "demanded".

If anyone has any comments or possible solutions of there own please post them here



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[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 13 years ago

I will be the first official OWS candidate to win the next election for the CT 4th district. My platform is described on my blog that I have been writing since 2006. read it http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

More to come. I will be the Green Party candidate. Please support me and please nominate a Green Party candidate in every USA district.

Invite me to the general assembly to hear my strategy. read my blog http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/