Forum Post: A political leader?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 6, 2011, 8:51 p.m. EST by jackmi
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Just wondering... is there anyone in the political system that Occupy will endorse? Anyone we can rally behind, even if theyre not currently in the political system? Theres a presidential race coming and I dont want to vote for any of them...
Someone thats a puppet for the people, not lobbyists?
There are a lot of people in OWS who want to support Democrats. Others want to support independent candidates, but there is no consensus on this. Some OWSers are opposed to supporting any candidate and would block any effort for a GA to endorse anyone, so no, I seriously doubt that OWS would support any candidate. For myself, while I think that once OWS has several million occupiers it might be appropriate to enter the electoral arena right now it would be premature as our influence would be inconsequential.
Occupy does not endorse political candidates.
Candidates are welcome to endorse Occupy goals. Doing so would result in the immediate support of about 30% of the eligible voters and encouragement for many who sit out to participate in the election process.
Well said!
I think the answer to that is simple. We will have one of three choices:
The President
The Repelican
some third party candidate who will garner no more than 5 - 7% of the vote.
I think everyone knows by now whom I will vote for.
I also think it is a bit late to field a candidate of our own. However, this does give us four years to prepare .. ..
I hope the answer is Gingrich.
the repelican party is DONE.
They are DONE I say
They are DONE
precisely because they have LIED for so long, about so many issues, not the least of which is Global Warming. Where it is clear, outside each and every single window in America that they have LIED so often and with such relish to the people, the people will turn their backs in disdain and disgust.
We will bind new handles of Hickory
upon tines of iron and steel
and drive them from the halls of power!
Yet they picked up dozens of seats in Congress a year ago.
That sounds frighteningly close to a rant my roommate in 2004 had (Jeff?). He refused to even discuss the election until about May of 2005.
They picked up seats because carl with a K rove and his crew are very shred, and they preped the field with their own little tea party . . .
I am confident they are done, though it may take time to realize this fact.
Just don't shut yourself up in your room for a few months if you are wrong. It creeps people out and they probably didn't take your prediction very seriously anyways.
I'm just one voice. They have the hubris to think they can get past it. It will be undeniable soon enough.
They didn't have significant numbers in either house for what . . . . 40 years?
Until Newt - that slimey little lizard . . .
bwa hahaha!!
ALL HAIL THE GODLIKE DEMOCRAT PARTY!! They will lead us to paradise! Wake up stupid.
I am awake,
If you want to take on a large opponent, like, say . . . .
government corruption
what are ya gonna do?
Take on the whole monster at once?
Or divide it up
The repelican party is just one component of a network of corruption. With their collapse, others within the political system may curb their own tendencies toward profit taking at public expense, it will drive a wedge between corprotacracy and bureaucracy, and the repelican party is weak.
They are weak I say, because of their lies.
And as their party crumbles before our rage, they will, no doubt, cling to whatever dirty laundry comes to hand, in an effort to save themselves.