Forum Post: A plot by young extremist Cardinals to "OCCUPY VATICAN" has just been thwarted
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 8, 2011, 9:22 p.m. EST by TIOUAISE
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The young extremists - all 95-years old and under - had a 5-point program :
1 - The immediate resignation of Pope Benedict.
2 - The immediate return of power in the Church to the people who, according to the Bible, ARE the true Church.
3 - The creation of a "Justice and Reconciliation Commission" to examine the failings of the Church throughout history and issue an apology to all of its victims.
4 - The convening of a new "Vatican III Council" to determine how the Church could become truly "Christic", i.e. Christ-like, Christ-inspired.
5 - The transformation of the Vatican into a Museum, with all proceeds to go directly to help the poor.
The plot by the young Cardinals was thwarted at the very last moment, when Pope Benedict, having noticed the theft of his big red hat and little red shoes, suddenly became VERY suspicious...
He is reported to have chastized the young plotters in no uncertain terms : "Why you good-for-nothing liberal commie hippie potheads! You can keep the shoes - Sarah Palin promised to send me another pair - but give me back my big red hat THIS INSTANT, do you hear???"
(Source : "Cippola", Nov 9, 2011)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Live - Love - Laugh
Har, Har! Just a poke at the Pope!
BTW, "Cippola" is italian for.... "The Onion" :)
God loves funny hats!
With all those clowns running around claiming to "speak in His Name" as though they just had breakfast with Him, God had BETTER have a good sense of humor!
Sure God has a sense humor. Ask the Jews.
Drats! We shall have to organize a solidarity march in protest of their repression.
Absolutely! These young punks in purple must be freed NOW! :)
jingle fingers
We are WITH YOU, "Occupy Vatican". The Truth is on your side, so don't give up!!!