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Forum Post: A Platform to Unify the Country

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:36 a.m. EST by ikaramazov (2)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There is one effective and certain way to end the corruption in our country, the exercising of unweaned power, whether it is in the economic, political, and legal systems.

Expose the Hypocrisy:

First and foremost, Demand an economy with competitive markets. Oligarchs' actions over the last 30 years have been to usurp the political, regulatory, legal, and economic systems. They have manipulated the credulous by claiming their subsidies and exemptions were to increase market-efficiency. In reality, this has locked-in inefficiencies which they have used to maximize their influence and coffers. Some of them have even figured out a way to rationalize this. If this movement is to instill lasting change, then it must remove this veil of subterfuge.

The prerequisite for an efficient market is justice, some measure of equity, and equal opportunity. These are American values, these are universal values, that not even the 1% can deny.

If this movement does not create a platform of shared values, and if these values are not founded on our core ideals, then this movement will be twisted and marginalized by those vested interests of the status quo. They will use the perorations of those bold idealists among you, who envision a far better world, but who are demanding things in the near term that can only be achieved through a long transformation--both inner and outer.

Your demands should remind everyone of what we are really missing in our society--shared responsibility and shared profits.

For these reasons, and others, the most effective way to bring justice to corporations, and to heal the corruption in our society, is to publicize the Oligarch's hypocrisy. Give them nowhere to run; give them no excuse or justification, give them no easy way to deconstruct this movement. Shout the truth from the rooftops no matter where they try to hide.

The American experiment will fail if the rising concentration of power by the emerging class of Oligarchs is not checked. The most effective way to roll back their influence is to deny them intellectual or rhetorical cover.

Begin with their core lie. That there is such a thing as "free markets". There is ample evidence over the last 30 years to substantiate the truth.



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