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Forum Post: A plan for Victory

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 2:42 a.m. EST by kreu9884 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What the current occupy movements have been lacking, is a solidifying voice or a plan for victory. The common feeling though, is that the American worker has been sold out. As we have learned over the past years, the peace we enjoy during times of economic prosperity is finite and must not be squandered.
Similar to the measures that have been taken in the past to preserve what we have deemed finite and precious, an organization must be formed to protect the American worker. With the organizational power of a group like the EPA or NAACP, we could assure the preservation and protection of the American dream for generations to come. The AWA American Workers Association, if formed, would be able to stand up against the corporations and unjust government legislation that currently threaten our very way of life.
Through the organization of the AWA, frustrated American worker could have their interests of long term job security aggressively pursued both in Washington as well as on Wall Street. While these are tasks that we once thought could be trusted to our politicians, it has recently become painfully clear that we must place this power in the hands of a third party organization.
Now is the time for action, a time for change, now is the time to create what will be remembered for generations to come. Now is the time for the American worker.



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[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I believe OWS has a very detailed plan for victory, have had it from the start, and have already begun winning their battle.