Forum Post: A parasite must be severed from it's host and exterminated.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 1:03 p.m. EST by tympan55
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The American government has been a corporate enterprise since its inception. Wall Street is a parasite on the American system. A parasite must be severed from its host and exterminated. If the American government has developed a symbiotic relationship with the parasite, it too must go.
Parasitism implies the host is harmed by the parasite, and at that would benefit from it's removal. The government allowed the so-called "parasite" to suck its blood. Corporations and banks didn't just decide to "take over" the government. The government let them in. This is not parasitism. Parasitism would remove the blame from the government.
It's not just Wall Street.
1% buys their representation in our government and 99% are left with the scraps.
We need to get all of the money out of the political system by establishing publicly funded campaigns and elections.
I agree, but the language bothers me, because it's the same language used against us protestors by the social-darwinist, free-market-extremist crowd. We're parasites and leeches on the real heroes of society (the rich).
Which is usually pretty funny coming from college libertards who've never produced a 1000th of the wealth I have, but that's a different story...
Down with the hypocritical "democracy" our government state we have!
Ha! My point exactly. I like the metaphor... :oD