Forum Post: A notch up?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 11:30 a.m. EST by Prospirity
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am 1000% behind OWS and everything it stands for and as the Arab spring started knew it was only a matter of time before it came here. After 2 months of occupation and an increase in "authorities" impatience it may be time for revolution 2.0 now. Would you all say we need a stronger and better articulated voice on what it is we want. Yes the fundamental truths of what we stand for are clear but how does this translate into a language that the MASS can understand and SUPPORT.
I unfortunately have to grin when I see a demand for asking for a minimum wage of $18. 1st if we're preaching greater freedom and then turn around and ask for more regulation, more barriers and asking mom & dad to increase our allowance that is childish and would never fly with the mass appeal and WOULD destroy what is left of the economy if the real structural changes needed are not done before. Just think about your little local joint owner having to triple is employment cost. Unless you're willing to pay $15 for your latté then you have to relaize this is th worst thing you can ask for. You only hurt the person next to you not the banker.
Why? because it simply does not work. I sure hope we are not moving in the direction of "capitalist vs socialist". While the powers at be claim the supremacy of capitalist, their biased dogma is tainted by 2 evils 1) We're NOT practicing capitalism we live under fascism (state capitalism where the sate create rules regulation etc to favor the few in power an those financing them 2) The capital in this economy is MONEY while it should be HUMAN
So the answer for OWS should be a resounding: YES bring us real capitalism where the stae is OUT of the picture and when & where we put people first.
Change those 2 paradigm and you do change the world for a better place.
So 1) Repeal the fed 2) Turn the creation of the money back to the people (through its goverment. Make all PUBLIC & PERSONAL debt interest free. Keep the corporate debt a 'free market interest rate" 3) Keep the fractional reserve system but gain control of the fractionalization of the money. If as in right now every $ deposited create 9 other dollars. Under current system this $9 extra dollar to loan goes all to the bank. that is where our sutpidity is allowing such a confiscation of wealth. How about $3 goes to the bank $3 gov. $3 to the creator of that money YOU & I through our wet signature (why the heck would you need a statutory $18/hr min wage) ..this creates a win-win-win situation, remember we're all one and the "evil" ones have played their role forcing us to awaken to our power and greatness...thank you now we'll take over :-)
IRS and all Tax authorities could be eliminated the same day. There would be enough money for everything no need to have an income tax. Rev. of gov is tied to economic prosperity for ALL only.
I am only touching the financial system but there ARE real durable paradigm shifting solutions that are really worth fighting for.
If you haven't heard or seen the movie Thrive a lot of these solutions are in there. Lets not compete on ideas but learn form each other to create the best solutions
Time to take the OWS a notch up?