Forum Post: A non profit organization in the works
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 11:11 p.m. EST by morriden
from Burton, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This project called the midgard project is brand new.. Thus no website yet, but alot of fellow scientists including myself are slowly designing and attempting to gather supporters.
The initial goal is to establish a foundation to offer alternative energy using today's current technology at a cheaper if not free cost to communities and individual families. Our goal is to litterly allow the poorest domination no matter the ethnic background to live outside the grid or very near it. To do so by providing solar panels for housing, mini wind mills plus other advancments which will utilize the environment without harming it. At the same time this savings to all classes.. poorest of the poor to the wealthy can redestribute some wealth back to the economy otherwise used to pay the outragious energy bills.
Its just starting and there are just a few of us working on this goal. We will be starting in Michigan and eventually moving to Montana. But we will be starting small. Our goals will be local and spread to the world as things progress.
Our ultimate goal is to get as many people free from those who have their finger on the button as possible.. the energy companies. One day create a functioning think tank designed to create practical free energy which uses the environment instead of abusing it.
Its a start... atlest its the best start I can offer the world and these brave protestors. If you are interested in learning more private message me here. I will give you a email to the foundation.
Great; how much will you be paying yourself to run it?
Enough money to feed my family. My wife works at walmart and goes to collage as a teacher and historian I am a anthropologist who is mostly out of work and goes to collage to progress towards farther study into asian culture.
If I wanted to make money and become rich id have became a student in marketing or other fields. However, my peers and colleagues who will be joining me have such degrees in electronics, law, and other more relevant needs to the cause.
I wont lie, until the system is broken I have to use it to change it and possibly remove it from within. The money made, if any goes to creating and funding scientists and workers devoted to the environment and the communities needs.
Dont get me wrong, I want a resource based system. I desire the end of the monetary system and corruption. While all of you fight outward.. I will fight inward along with my colleagues and peers.
We are tired of it all as much as all of you are.. Our paths differ but the journey will take us to the same mountain.
Nothing is free... nothing should be free. I would rather earn my energy, I would rather pay. I don't want your pity. I am empowered, not entitled.
Its not pity at all. There is no dishonor in moving away from coal producing or other toxic energy consumption to a free energy.
Would you rather not pay that extra 300 a month and use it for other things?
We are not as I am assuming your logic here, anarchists. This is for the environment as much as you. The economy will benefit greatly as it creates green jobs both in construction, light maintenance, and upgrades.
It is mearly moving one employment opportunity to another and creating future jobs at the same time.