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Forum Post: A new way of life Equality for all: System proposal

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:20 p.m. EST by ChrisArnold (68)
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More thought will have to be put in it, so that it works good but in its basics.

A money bassed system where each employee gets paid the same rate per hour, no matter the job. You could get by contributing 20 hours a week. Or you can be a slacker and not work, and not get paid. Education will count as a job, if you are educating yourself, you are traing your mind to contribute to the world/country, and should get paid. You can go for whatever education you want in any feild. Only suggestions are made bassed upon what workers we are in need of.

Health will be free for all.

Companies will stand on there own as part of america. If it makes enough money to sustain its self by peoples demand for its product, then the company will exist, if not it is closed or transformed to create products the people want.

The Money system may need work, the goal is to set it up where its easy to live well on 20 hour work a week, over acheivers get rewarded for there extra time of contributing, while slackers get there fair share of less, for not putting in the hours.

If no jobs are availbe, you join a list of unemployed peoeple, while on this list you get paid for 20 hours a week, until a job you qualify for or can train for can be found for you.

Freedom is ownership and rights. So it has to be a money bassed system, so you can own land ,shelter and personal objects. With your money you can only purchase things, you cannot invest or start companies, or sale things as a store would. You can sell and trade personal items and land.

The good things about this type of system is no one is left behind unless they choose to be left behind. Yet, you are not in any trouble for not working, you just don't recive pay. Health is still free though.

There would be no poor people, no hungry people, no people without health care. Where education would be at its best, and production at its best. Producing products made to last and of quality, and all without polluting.



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[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

About the doctor issue. After more thought, the equal pay rate per hour would be best. Who would want to spend the time to be a doctor? The people who want to. And if thats not enough people as doctors, we will lack health care which will inspire more people to go into health care.

That which we lack will inspire others to fill the slot of the feild lacking.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

And it dosen't really have to stick to the equal pay, but a system with atleast fair pay. Someone has to take out the trash and do the dirty work, that is not fun, so you sould get paid good. But for jobs for people who just want to put time in could be low paid jobs, yet still able to live good, without worry of no home, no food.

I just thought of this like a few hours ago, i was hoping people could help turn it into something by fine tuning the idea, not to come in and find one aspect(which you may not even understand) to say the idea is dumb.

I mean reall, isn't this whole thing about equality? Why not have a system of equality? As i said, in a free market system you will have lossers, people who made the effort but failed anyway and left poor and homeless.

I wish there where some more serious people out there.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

You seem to be missing the points that to get by with the basics, you will be working atleast 20 hours a week. Therefore they will have contributed 20 hours. If they didn't do anything, they wouldn't get anything but free health. No free home, no free land or food or cell phones. If they earned the money to get the things they want, then they put in time.

your compairing what i said, a system of work to get paid, to welfare, a system of you don't have to work but still get paid.

Do you understand yet>?

If they don't work, they don't get paid.

[-] 1 points by LibertyFirst (325) 13 years ago

This is why there is so much innovation and productivity among the welfare population. They have their basic needs for food and shelter met, as well as access to medical care. Most also have some luxuries like TVs and cell phones. Since they don't have to worry about those things, they devote all their time to making the world a better place.

[-] 1 points by ItsOnlyMe (43) 13 years ago

That's possibly the dumbest idea yet. Who would train to be a doctor, which takes years & years, when they could make the same hourly wage pouring drinks in a bar?

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

Well, i accept your right of opinion, but whats with the insult?

And to answer your question, people who want to help people, the school you attend counts as a job. So its not like you have to goto school for eight years not getting paid, or having to have a job also.

You don't seem to understand, follow you passion to contribute, and slacking will be less pay, so yes you could do the bare minimum and get by. But really, in a world where you can freely pursue your passion, your going to sit around and just get by?

[-] 1 points by ItsOnlyMe (43) 13 years ago

I know human nature. Too many would sit around and there wouldn't be enough people becoming doctors to sustain all those people.

Hell, there are not enough Americans who want to be doctors NOW, which is why so many are migrating from places like India.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

The lack of health care would inspire others to go into health. If i where being brought up in a world where wealth is almost even and education is a job, and my world had poor health care, that would inspire me to go into health.

[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

*envent and make life easier


[-] 1 points by ChrisArnold (68) 13 years ago

the motivation for products would still exist. If your doing what you like to do, in this case creating a product, do you think a person with a passion to create this product is going to do a bad job? Do people not have a passion to envent and make like easier?

And for the communism, thats just trying to put a bad spin with a label. Should all people not be treaded equal? If you have a system designed on free market, you will always have winners, and lossers. What hapends to the lossers?

[-] 1 points by Kulafarmer (82) from Kula, HI 13 years ago

Sounds like communism

[-] 1 points by ProudSocialist (6) 13 years ago

So there will be no motivation to develop new products and services, new inventions, because we would all get the paid the same either way. Makes sense to me.

[-] 1 points by JohnWatson (250) from Nürnberg, BY 13 years ago

There would be a great motivation for developing lasting products so you don't have to build them again and again.

There would be a great motivation in eventing new machines which do was has to be done instead of having to do it by yourself.

The motivation would be in having the right to choose by yourself how you spend the time of your life.

And the science would also go on because people are curious by themself to figure out how thinks work.

But you are right if you think the motivation would be less to invent new instruments to rob people from their hard earned money.