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Forum Post: A New Political Party? Suggestions...

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 2, 2011, 10:19 p.m. EST by mattbump (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Sorry if this was already covered, but it needs to be dealt with:

I say, "Go big or go home"

Everyone knows that we can't just protest our way to a better country, although OWS must maintain a public presence.

We must evolve our public presence over time, and we will.

We must strongly denounce both Republicans and Democrats. Haven't you wanted to say, "Screw you" to them your whole life? Now is your opportunity! They are BOTH rotten to the core.

We must urge people to STOP donating to Republicans and Democrats, and "Un-register" from their membership. We must get the working communities and organizations on our side, while at the same time maintaining our "VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE" to ALL of Congress.

If there is a party that could be "co-opted" it's the spineless wimp Democrats.

I honestly don't see the point in any of this unless we all form our own political party (or strongarm the Democrats)

Thanks for reading!



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[-] 1 points by typicalowsguy (3) 13 years ago

I strongly agree. Not much is going to be accomplished by actively banging drums. Watch this and let me know what you think:


[-] 1 points by typicalowsguy (3) 13 years ago

I strongly agree. Not much is going to be accomplished by actively banging drums. Watch this and let me know what you think:


[-] 1 points by SparkyJP (1646) from Westminster, MD 13 years ago

Some think the formation of a third party will bring about real change. That is non-sense and small minded. It demonstrates our inability to think outside the box of government that has become our prison. Our democracy was designed to be flexible, not a death trap. Adding a third party will do nothing but perpetuate the same old system. We need a revolution in government, not more of the same that will only waste valuable time. "We can’t afford it." Consideration should be given to a Direct Democracy:


"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress & the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution, but overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." ~ Abraham Lincoln

[-] 1 points by mserfas (652) from Ashland, PA 13 years ago

I would like to see a third party with a difference -- since we know that voting for it doesn't work, DON'T. Instead, have a third party where the members are truly members, in touch with the party structure, who are willing to cast their votes the way that their chosen candidate directs them. Then the party can negotiate with the large party candidates and see which will give them the best overall deal.

[-] 1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Check this shit out, a few of us in Tampa have created it. A semi-plan from a semi-takeover... If you like it then like it! http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Occupy-Congress/109181762526876

[-] 1 points by HitGirl (2263) 13 years ago

Those are the choices from where I'm standing.

[-] 1 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

The OWS supporters are completely being deluded by the marxists, and the elite Democrats. If the OWS wants to really gain traction they need to cast aside these pretenders and marxists and join up with the Tea Party (non GOP, the real Tea Partiers) for one purpose. The end of the corruption in Washington. Force the resignation of all 537 elected officials in Washington and the Heads of all the departments and cabinet members. The Tea Party would jump on this bandwagon and support it 100%.

[-] 0 points by Jimboiam (812) 13 years ago

Some of us have been saying Screw you to both of the parties for decades. And only a fool or someone trying to influence a selfish position gives money to either party.