Forum Post: A new idea. What do you think.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9:05 p.m. EST by Ptfrank
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I'm just an ideas guy and someone else has to do the due diligence and refining but . . . How about Abandon Wall Street and by that I mean that l direct that my 401k no longer be invested at/in/through Wall Street or into stocks at all. Instead my 401k retirement funds will be invested in United States Savings Bonds. Ideally these transaction will be done at S&Ls (maybe series E bonds) but definitely not at the Wall Street big banks.
Again, refine this if it has legs but I let's see just how well Wall Street does without the 99 percent's nickels and dimes. At the same time, that money going to long term savings bonds will help to crush some of the 1 percent's intent on bringing the dollar down (GoldmanSachs).
Whatta ya think
Even putting it in low volume mutual funds like index funds work. Not a lot of trading = lowering market volatility that makes life worse for us and pays off big time for brokers.
Get out of the system people , they'll go after the mutual funds; 401K's, anything based on fiat currency they will grab. Get into metals and not the etf's or paper...the real hands on gold and silver.
That's the right idea. Instead of asking everyone and hoping for a few to actually give 100% of their time and effort, we should ask everyone and make it easy for everyone to give 5% of their time and effort on one coordinated effort that will have a dramatic "back end" effect.
Buy gold and silver instead.Bankers hate the stuff. You are quite right though giving your money to bankers is just plain dumb..
I agree while even the precious metals market is manipulated, exchanging the bankers fiat paper money, which creates debt, for precious metals, like gold and silver ruins their ponzi casino game. I wouldn't trust the bond market any more than stocks and fiat currency. Check youtube for more info on precious metals, gold and silver, especially Mike Maloney, Max Keiser etc. Be aware that as long as a criminal banking cartel controls the markets and government, everything is somewhat risky.
The thing is precious metals are manipulated down..There is a chance they can knock down the price more but its getting harder for them..The more physical metal the people posses the harder it is..And quite possibly like MaxKeiser says it could be their down fall.
Well you see China is telling THEIR population to get into gold and silver, and the 1% themselves have precious metals reserves. The paper money is to manipulate all of us. We're on the same page : )