Forum Post: A Mutiny on the Horizon
Posted 10 years ago on April 1, 2014, 6:59 a.m. EST by JGriff99mph
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Clearly, no one country can stop us. But if half the planet decided enough is enough, what happens then?
MSM regurgitating, US MIC propaganda spewing, ''more conservative than the average (deluded) liberal'', simpleton !!! So, whereTF do you get your 'information' from ?!! The .. 'Mainly Shit National Broadcasting Corporation' - or some other combination of ABCNNBCBS, Lame-Fux Snewzzz ?! ; ; ; &
'Ukraine’s IMF Deal Means Greece-Like Depression'', by Jack Rasmus : .
e tenebris, lux ...
Whilst wallowing in wilful ignorance, it's easy to be a toilet mouthed, internet tough guy, I suppose .. not unlike so many of your even more right-wing and ignorant compatriots, right ?! Years of imbibing Imperial and Exceptionalist Propaganda, obviously has its effect, doesn't it ?!! Are you sure that ''the facts as (u) see them'' - are indeed ''the facts'' at all or that your (so called) mind hasn't been made up for you ?!!! and also see : & .
respice, adspice, prospice ...
'My Empire - Right or Wrong', right ?! Consider : & also see : ... for a deeper look.
Tho' that was a very good link about Prescott Bush, the 'ring piece' is MSM piffle & btw, you're doing a good job of kissing your own ass - what with your head jammed so far up it 'n' all.
verum ex absurdo ...
how does russia walk in its military with out more violence ?
You get the majority of your information from MSM, you lying sack. Not counting the Fight Club links, 4 out of 5 of your links on here are from MSM sources, you repeatedly link to HuffPo and Reuters, and in another thread where this same subject came up, a good two-thirds of your links there were MSM sources.
Not saying the links were inaccurate, I'm saying . . . . they're MSM sources.
And, so what if Durden's a pseudonym. You mean like the overwhelming number of people on the internet, ZenDog?
Two from the Guardian, one from Asia Times and one from ESPN. All three are main stream media sites! The other one's from Amnesty.
Four out of five. OMFG.
Now hurry up and edit it again so you don't look like an idiot. Take out the edit and I'll delete this. It'll be close, Zen but if we hurry your reputation might be saved, heheh.
So, I'm glad you finally admit you DO get the majority of your info from lame stream media. Trust me, ZD, that doesn't surprise us one bit. It shows in your work.
And ZeroHedge is aimed at a very select audience. Investors, you dumb fuck, of which I'm not. No munny!
As to the article itself, you can't follow a plot worth shit. It doesn't give a slant "right" or "wrong." The point is the world is getting sick and tired of American hegemony. But I can see how that would torque the panties of such a fine example of American Exceptionalism as you.
I don't have a problem with your links. My point was you lied about them. You do realize "msm" = "main stream media," right?
And just for the record, it pronounced "kōk," with a long "o." As in Coke. So, "go suck some kōk" makes no sense whatsoever.