Forum Post: A Movement Without Leadership Is A Mob
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 3:18 p.m. EST by arealpolitik
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement has had its say and has run it’s course. It’s time to pack up and go home before your intent is totally diminished.
From the headlines we learn of a dead man found in Salt Lake, TB in Atlanta, ‘Zucotti’ (park) lung in New York, suicide in Oakland and murder in Vermont. Property is being destroyed.
Just what message are you trying to send? The people hear only what is reported and this is it. Protests are your right. Breaking the law is not. Yet city after city has given the movement a pass.
You’ve bragged about your lack of leadership. Rethink that one. It’s time to get some leadership if you want to continue. Your message has been lost and your movement hijacked by hooligans. Those Democrats who applaud you and the unions who support you are wearing thin with those trying to run businesses or just plain live within your proximity. Filth and mayhem is no way to make your point so clean up your act or go away.
Why isn’t this being done? Is it because you have no leadership to point you in a cohesive direction? Is it because you have no leadership to tell the hooligan element they’re not welcome? Is it because you have no leadership to help authorities maintain order? Is it because you have no leadership people are dying? As individuals, are you proud of this? Without leadership your future is no more than a footnote to the chaos that was 2011.
With leadership you might have done as was suggested. Converge on Washington D.C. where all the ills you complain about have their origins. They write the regulations, they accept the lobby money, they turn a blind eye when expedient then are shocked, shocked when one of the favored takes things too far.
With winter here it’s time to pack up the tents and head for home. If you really want to be heard register to vote and do so. Flaunting the law and antagonizing the citizenry isn’t the way to do it.
(editorial note) If you do not agree with this view, and I do not, please reply here:
John Liming - The Liming Liberal Digest
The author of the article says, “The ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement has had its say and has run it’s course. It’s time to pack up and go home before your intent is totally diminished.” On reflection, I might say the same thing about the on-going comedy show presenting itself as Republican Presidential Debates.In all reality, at this point, I truly believe that all the Democrats would have to do to win a sweep in the 2012 elections is to re-play all the Republican sound bytes. It would be a shoo-in for Obama.
Then there is this one: “Your message has been lost and your movement hijacked by hooligans.” I believe that King George III of England might have sent that word to the rebels in the Colonies in the 1700s, don’t you? I certainly do know that “Tokyo Rose” said much the same to Allied Troops in the 1940s. But, alas for the “Spinners,” the Colonists and the Allies persisted and prevailed. That is the message to take away from this one.
And this: “Filth and mayhem is no way to make your point so clean up your act or go away.” Someone might want to alert Right Wing Talk Radio and the PR People who make up the Right Wing political attack ads about this one.
I’m confused: “Without leadership your future is no more than a footnote to the chaos that was 2011.”—And when people remember the brave souls who stood against English Tyranny and forged a Nation of Free People with blood, sweat and tears (While the Conservative Tories and Loyalists took their money and fled to Canada and elsewhere), I would say that those who had the guts to speak out and to take action are more than a “Footnote” in History; they are the reason we have a History!
Oh well:” Flaunting the law and antagonizing the citizenry isn’t the way to do it.”–The protesters are facing their Valley Forge Moment and I don’t think winter will be any more of a deterrent to them than it was to the Civil Rights Marchers of the 1960s and there are a lot of parallels to be considered here between the present situation and theirs.
Finally: I notice that no one ever arrested a Tea Party demonstrator even though they openly flaunted the law by wearing loaded weapons to their rallies and spit on people and yelled racial epithets and carried signs calling for open armed insurrection.
Why is it always alright for Right Wingers to raise Cain about their concerns and it is such a disgraceful sin when the Liberals or the Democrats do the exact same thing? No one can look at any tape of a Tea party Town Hall or Rally and convince me it wasn’t a disordered, noisy and even dangerous mob. I think this shoe might fit on both feet and there is nothing to be gained by trying to spin events to the advantage of the Right because the World is watching, and, according to most reports, the World is coming around to supporting the Occupiers.
Mob : a large or disorderly crowd; especially : one bent on riotous or destructive action as defined in merriam-webster dictionary
only time and the protesters themselves will tell when ows has run its course. in less than two months ows has achieved world-wide recognition and the course is as yet uncharted.
wait and see!
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