Forum Post: A modern day prophet Sir James Goldsmith predicted all that is happening. Please educate yourselves on what caused this so we can turn this around. PLEASE WATCH THIS VIDEO.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 10:50 a.m. EST by mac123
from Canton Township, MI
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
In 1994 congress got us involve in GATT. The Generall Agreement on Tariff and Trade. We did not get to vote on it and it has ruined the middle class by making us compete with low wage countries. We were warned about the consequences but Congress didn't care. Please educate yourselves about this so we can turn this around. Everything this man said was going to happen has happened. Please watch this video: :
i have and will i promise ! man he was so correct. if we can and will get this out .. it will a great PUSH for are movment a-men and god bless the whole world
WOW ALL PPL OUGHTA watch this !!!!!!!! thank you for guiding me there.
Please help me spread the word about Sir James. Hardly anyone knows about him and his predictions. It is so important to the movement. Thanks