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Forum Post: A Message to the Occupy Wall Street Website

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 5:53 p.m. EST by GlobalCrier (54)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Maybe a second Occupy Wall Street message board should be set-up for invited members only to create a better working platform for those who are really serious. A place to separate the noise from the ones who really want to make a difference. Look at some of the other models of message boards that are out there today. Build on what you've got going into a better message board.. Please add any constructive comments. David



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[-] 2 points by touchit (126) 13 years ago

Another words a forum were everyone agrees with everyone else. VOMIT

[-] 1 points by GlobalCrier (54) 13 years ago

I never said that. I do say that there is a much wider range of tolerance to different ideas on the political left than there is on the political right.

[-] 1 points by GlobalCrier (54) 13 years ago

Just look on this one thread alone how some people went off topic making it harder follow a constructive conversation about an idea. Then look at how many other erroneous posts and follow-ups there are on this site. David http://occupywallst.org/forum/a-protest-idea-that-is-outside-the-box/

[-] 1 points by FromSiriusB (2) from Durango, CO 13 years ago

I agree, there is so much on here now, that categories would help.

[-] 1 points by wavefreak58 (134) 13 years ago

This forum is a free for all. I agree that there needs to be a place for more productive discussions. It doesn't have to be exclusionary. It could simply be divided into relevant topics like infrastructure (toilets etc,), legislative proposals, media issues, etc. A few moderators to remove spam and keep the level of civility tolerable. Moderators are a slippery slope, though. Who moderates the moderators?

[-] 1 points by GlobalCrier (54) 13 years ago

I agree with everything you said. But as part of what you say a closed Forum added would greatly raise the level of constructive communication for those who are serious about organizing a national movement for change. As an example an early post of mine probably never got read because of all of the other garbage David http://occupywallst.org/forum/a-protest-idea-that-is-outside-the-box/

[-] 1 points by coffeedrinker11 (5) from Denver, CO 13 years ago

Maybe we could have topics on this message board? There seem to be a lot of anti-OWS people here, and they are really diluting the vision of OWS. We could have a topic for OWS complaints where people misinformed by MSM can discuss their misunderstanding of the movement, and then a topic where people can discuss their political viewpoints, and then topics more true to OWS vision. If we segregated into topics, it might be easier to navigate this forum.

[-] 1 points by GlobalCrier (54) 13 years ago

Yes, this is what I am talking about.

[-] 1 points by coffeedrinker11 (5) from Denver, CO 13 years ago

Yes this forum is getting a little out of hand. Although it is comforting to know from the reactions here that OWS is getting a lot of people's attention and thinking -- I know that issues such as ending slavery, civil rights, and the women's right to vote were quite controversial at the time, and if message boards were around back then, I'm sure they would have been full of naysayers too -- maybe we should suggest adding categories to this forum? Do you know who to contact so we can suggest this? I believe that this website has been made opensource, but my knowledge of programming and scripting is quite limited.

[-] 1 points by GlobalCrier (54) 13 years ago

In the bottom right hand corner of the web page there are contacts. There are also groups that are set up to host forum/message boards for a nominal amount of money. Giving you the platform and tools to run the site. David

[-] 0 points by toolness1 (12) 13 years ago

Yeah, good idea. Shut out all the people who know what is REALLY going on (that a bunch of lazy people feel entitled to not take responsibility for their actions and poor choices)

[-] 0 points by fantastic (74) from Boston, MA 13 years ago

good idea next the should be a meeting at dennys

[-] 1 points by GlobalCrier (54) 13 years ago

NO, A Protest Idea that is Outside the Box

Pick a day and time on a national basis to recycle your cans and bottles at your local gas station-convenience stores. Creating a meeting place with your local neighbors who may feel the same way you do about the state of affairs we are in today. This will send a message to the big oil companies and local officials to how much discontents is out there. http://occupywallst.org/forum/a-protest-idea-that-is-outside-the-box/