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Forum Post: A Message to OWS Lemmings ...You Can't Handle the Truth - Wall Street Stole the Worlds Gold

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 9:50 p.m. EST by irsfaggot (171)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


[ Warning you will NOT understand the following unless you read the above OWS link about how MF-GLOBAL (CORZINE) robbed HSBC( world's biggest bank ) of its gold ]

This is excellent stuff, too bad its over the head of 99% of the folks here.

I would like to summarize all this shit for the masses. Essentially the only SAFE gold is that you bury in your yard. For maybe 10+ years now the masses have been sold paper gold, or certificates that say's "Our bank will keep your gold safe, and has your name on it", .. Well imagine what's happened all that PAPER, like all paper, like the US-DOLLAR is just what it is worthless-paper, barely worth the paper its printed on.

GLD is the number one phony paper-certificate traded today, and as this article points out, like the contrary have long proclaimed it could all be phony. HSBC is the biggest bank in the world with offices every where even the Chinese keep their GOLD at HSBC, but HSBC subcontracted this 'GOLD' to be kept with a 3rd party, now it turns out that everything is gone.

Ok, now I'll explain the issue here, is that post Raygun 1980's the USA ran a 'confidence scam' and got the whole world to invest in WALL-STREET phony-paper and everybody got rich, especially the frim that control's ALL Goldman-Sachs, the folks who own OBAMA.

Now the whole world is finding out that the US government has robbed the 1%, any reason that OWS exists? Ahh I'll tell you why, cuz the OWS is a front for Goldman-Sachs, and they want the majority to feel good about the 1% losing their money.

Why didn't they rob the 99% cuz you ain't got shit, all bank robbers go where the money is.

Ok, so now it unravels and world confidence in wall-st collapses and the US/DOLLAR government.

The 99% in the USA is fucked.



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[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

This THING is NOT about robbing the USA's 1%, its ALL about robbing the World's 1%.

That 0.00001% are doing just fine, as CORZINE proved a few days ago in front of the US SENATE, he's a MADE-MAFIA-MAN, an untouchable. He's an ex-goldman-sachs CEO.

OWS doesn't dare touch the 0.00001%, its the 1% they want to rob.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Jeez I knew that 40 years go. Not news to me or a great many others.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

It might not be news to those who read the news 40 years ago, but this topic is happening today, and unlike yesterday the ramifications are over-whelming.

The USA will collapse within months.

It's one thing to fuck the US citizens and yes, wall-st has been fucking the US citizens since it started selling them 'stock' back in the 1920's "Worthless Paper",

But today its different Wall-St sold the WORLD, paper-gold that don't exist, now ALL the world's rich are pissed as hell at the USA.

I'm talking about Russia Rich, and Chinese Rich.

This ain't like 40 years ago, this is the kind of shit that starts WARS.

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Let's give 'em Wall Street. We weren't planning on using it anyway.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Do you really believe that comment? How old are you?

Do you understand that the 0.0001% have already fled? That the stolen money is already wired to Singapore & Swiss banks.

By the time RUSSIAN/CHINESE army's come to collect on wall-st all that will be left is 99%-ers losing their jobs.

You really don't have a clue about the world do you?

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

I was being factious. I full well realize more than you would believe. I also know that the WARS you are referring to won't be the ones that are fought.

I also know that sitting here getting excited about it doesn't do my blood pressure, nor yours for that matter, any good.

Keep a cool head, prepare reasoned arguments and make a plan for you and yours, just in case...because there are going to be very few who will actually hear what you are saying.

I've never lived in a house on that river with the fancy name.

As far as how old I am, remember I said I was aware of this 40 years ago, nobody listened then either.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Ok, thanks your rational response, its nice to see.

Sadly you admit first time you were facetious, then second time you tell others to have a cool head, but then you manipulate people with your snide comments.

This war will be big, will it be fought conventional NO, what will happen is that CHINES/RUSSIA will fuck the USA-BANKING-SYSTEM electronically, called electronic-warfare, but at the end of the day when the ATM's fail it still will not pay to live in the USA.

When you make enemy's the way we do you better watch out,

Like Rumsfeld said "Were making enemy's quicker than we can kill them"

[-] 1 points by PandoraK (1678) 13 years ago

Ah but being facetious it opened a conversation that most likely would not have happened. Get a response then communication can begin.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago


[ Warning you will NOT understand the following unless you read the above OWS link about how MF-GLOBAL (CORZINE) robbed HSBC( world's biggest bank ) of its gold ]

[-] 0 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

If anyone diversify's their portfolio with gold or silver certificates I am just going to plainly say that you are a moron. If you pay for some one to store your gold you are a moron. This is what you need to do decide what percent of gold and silver you want to buy go out and physically buy it and then decide where you are going to store it in a bank box or personal hidden safe vault whatever. Don't worry about your house burning down a good safe is fireproof and even if your house burns down don't even worry about gold. Regardless, gold will not melt in a house fire it needs 1800 F degrees while the avarage house fire is 1128 F. The only thing that you have to worry about is getting robbed. Burying gold in you backyard is not a bad idea as long as no soul knows what what are doing. It is best to tell no one. So there you go these options are a hell of a lot better then relying on other people.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

I would not want to be know to have gold in the hypothetical apocalypse. As soon as you spend it, you are a target. There is something shiny and mesmerizing about gold, it makes people go crazy. Other gold bugs will want to burn down you and your house to get your stash. I would rather be cooperating with people, working, trading, not hoarding shiny metal.

[-] 2 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

In a post apocalypse (I assume you mean after a nuclear war or epidemic) the most valuable commodity will be food and medicine, not gold or silver. I don't think gold or silver will be worth a damn thing in a post apocalypse world because there would be no practical use for it at least not for a long while. People will barter for everything so a piece of cheese would be worth more than gold. The things that we take for granted now would be priceless in a post apocalypse. However in a post economic collapse I could see people trading with silver or gold at first however I think barter probably be more prominent. I read one story about World War I that took place probably in France a family that had a little money took a whole suitcase of gold items down to the local farmer because food was scarce and traded that suitcase for vegetables. In other words they traded something that was worth 500 times the price of vegetables because they were starving. See my point.

[-] 1 points by BlueRose (1437) 13 years ago

I very much agree. The most valuable thing will be cooperation, not isolation of people, OWS should fare well ;-) Gold will be valueless. Who wants to be strapped down by heavy gold?

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

You people are still missing the POINT.

Do I have to talk about "EARTH FIRST"? THINK GLOBAL - ACT LOCAL

Nobody here is talking about the WORLD, you all talk like this subject is about GOLD-BUGS in the USA.

The fact is the RICH don't keep MILLIONS of dollars of gold at home, they trust their BANK to do this for them and the biggest bank in the world is HSBC, and they just found out that the 3rd party ( USA ) that was supposed to be holding the worlds gold doens't have that gold

This thread is NOT about fucking nitwits in the USA.

This is about HOW the USA BANKS are robbing the ENTIRE WORLD.

[-] 1 points by PeoplehaveDNA (305) 13 years ago

I honestly dont know what to say if the rich get screwed in a sense it is their own undoing for trusting the systems that they probably have first hand perspective that is corrupt. Yes the whole thing is going to affect us on a global level, but you know all conspiracies aside I think that bankers are deliberately determined to bring down the global markets not sure entirely why but I think it has alot to do with controlling the world through disaster capitalism. I am pretty damn sure about this now.


[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

MVSN I never see you write anything except troll bait? So tell me what you think on this subject?

Pandora 40 years ago the USA government didn't rule the world like it does today the world Trusted Wall-St, today ALL TRUST is gone.

Folks I don't give a fuck about the USA, my point is this thing is BIG, its not about the fucking 99% in the USA, its that now the GOLDMAN-SACH's and OREO-OBAMA-INCorporated have robbed the richest 1% in the world.

Things in the coming months are going to get really fucking ugly.

My premise is that this entire OWS movement is to cover for the criminals running the theft, by having the masses in the street justifying the looting of the 1%. The reason they're NOT ROBBING you is that you ain't got shit.

Now you have been convinced its OK to rob the 1%.

CHOMSKY calls this MANUFACTURING-CONSENT the entire basis of OWS is to manufacture consent to rob the worlds RICH by the USA.

Trouble is this shit will back fire on your white asses.

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

You really think you are the only one that knows this?

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Knows what MVSN, I hate it when you just cut&paste your boiler-plate. I want to know what your thinking? Can you do that for me?

[-] 0 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

I'm not cut and paste anything. Gold has been manipulated in this country since Roosevelt at least. Notice all the commercials now pimping gold? Same old shit. None of this is new. And Noam Chomsky is a Marxist faggot that impresses anyone with a brain like George Bush impressed anyone with a brain.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

See you didn't even read the fucking article or thread. I said you cut&paste, and now you admit. The topic is NOT about pimping GOLD.

The entire POST is about how the world was sold GOLD that didn't exist during the last ten years.

This is NOT about PIMPING, see your a call center Indian Fag working for A I P A C, and your talking points are about "PIMPING GOLD".

I'll give you one more chance fuckhead. Go back and read the post and the first post, then come back and reply. You may be able to mind-fuck the zombies here, but changing the topic don't impress me.

We're NOT talking about 'price manipulation', we're talking about the LARGEST robbery operation in world history, we're talking about the fact that the GOLD behind the largest publicly traded ETF in the world "GLD", is fake.

Now go read the POST, and if you have anything to add, then do so, otherwise go play with midgets.

[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

Changes nothing faggot.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Change your name, I done responding to an BOT working offshore for $1/day.

[-] -1 points by MVSN (768) from Stockton, CA 13 years ago

You just responded, faggot.