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Forum Post: A message to all protesters

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 10:12 a.m. EST by GETAJOB (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I think you all should go get jobs! The difference between the 1% and the 99% is that the 1% work hard, everyday...



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[-] 2 points by Febs (824) from Plymouth Meeting, PA 13 years ago

I have a career and a job within that career. Thanks for the stereotype though.

[-] 2 points by GammaPoint (400) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

Heh, I'm part of the 99% and I know I work harder and 'smarter' than you do.

[-] 2 points by Argentina (178) from Puerto Madryn, Chubut 13 years ago

mmm, many do have a JOB, and just asking for END OF WAR for example. The ones that make camps, are some of the 10 millon US citezen that had be looking for a job the last 6 months. How do you know if they are going on interviews on day, and make camping on night. Convience for a jobless, free food on Liberty plaza, and on morning nearby places to look for a office jobs.

[-] 2 points by rayl (1007) 13 years ago

how ingenious! very profound. btw i've already got a job. have the protests got to? are you stressed out?

[-] 2 points by brokeandstarving (62) 13 years ago

to getajob........how bout you get a clue!

[-] 2 points by OneVoiceInMany (91) 13 years ago

You hiring?

[-] 2 points by VelourTrousers (34) from Potsdam, NY 13 years ago

At minimum wage, you will earn about 15k a year. That's about $1200 a month. Now rent (500), food(150), there's a car and gas(100) to get to work, car insurance(120), health insurance(150), maybe some school loans(100), retirement, and an emergency fund, oh wait, I'm almost at $1200 already, I guess I will have to skip the last two. Working a sometimes back breaking 40 hour work week doesn't mean you will even have enough money to get some basic security in life. What would you give up? Health insurance? Retirement?

[-] 0 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

sounds like you need skills and a job that fetch more than the minimum wage. stop whining. Or go live in a tent in the woods.

[-] 2 points by VelourTrousers (34) from Potsdam, NY 13 years ago

No, working 40 hours a week should allow you to live. If you are working you are contributing and you should be allowed the basics. I am not the one with a minimum wage job, but I see people have to struggle through it every day, people who have graduated college, people who have just fallen on hard times. Minimum wage is supposed to exist to make a low level job livable. It's not right. If you are working, you should be awarded with the basics in life, food, health care, a roof over your head and the chance to retire someday. I'm not asking everyone be completely equal. I'm okay with some people having a lot more wealth, but if people at the bottom can't even get what they need while others that own them rake in billions, that's really shitty and inhumane.

[-] 1 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

should should should...says who? where do you get these rules?

[-] 2 points by VelourTrousers (34) from Potsdam, NY 13 years ago

Why shouldn't it? Are you saying hard working people shouldn't have access to what they need to live a healthy life? The first post says that the ONLY difference between the 99% and 1% is how hard they work. I'm saying that is bullshit.

You're right, there's no rulebook that says they should get that. But if you don't think that then you are a pretty shitty person. You're saying that hard working people deserve to go without healthcare. Or that they should work their whole life like that. The truth is, not everyone is going to earn above minimum wage. It's impossible. There are only so many opportunities and some people will get them and other people won't. I do believe that just because someone doesn't get the opportunity doesn't mean they should be condemned to a life without the basics.

I don't have to get my rules from anywhere. Human beings made up the rules in the first place and so I'm damned well allowed to change them just by being human.

[-] 0 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

learn how to make enough to buy what you need and want. period. no one owes you anything. you can have health insurance and a roof over your head if you can afford it. if not, too bad. sometimes the herd just needs to be thinned. you sound like a wounded antelope and will be among the first to go down. i will be sad for you, but thats life.

[-] 2 points by VelourTrousers (34) from Potsdam, NY 13 years ago

Hardly. I'm incredibly resourceful and I earn more than enough to be comfortable with my lifestyle. I've worked 11 hour work days for months, I started my own used book business when that still wasn't enough. I know I'm going to be just fine no matter what. I'm not asking that people get handouts. The herd is not being thinned because the "thinning" you are doing is of people already working hard. They are not weaker, they are not less useful. I'm just saying work should be rewarded. Right now, it is not. Especially when I see people who don't work getting handouts from the government every day. People who sit on their ass, can afford guicci accessories and always have their nails done and yet still swipe their foodstamps card at the grocery store. It's disgusting to reward those people and not the people actually working.

Something is broken and it needs to be changed.

[-] 0 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

well i guess theres something that we agree on. i hate it when the lady in front of me at the food star pays with food stamps, then walks out to her (or his) new BMW. sickening.

[-] 0 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

get it right: no one owes you anything, especially not the government. once we get passed this mindset we will all be better off. four decades of entitlements have made this a fat lazy ignorant country.

[-] 0 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

sounds like youre a socialist. study history. those systems failed. if you went to college you would know that (and you might have some skills to get more than 15 k/year)

[-] 2 points by VelourTrousers (34) from Potsdam, NY 13 years ago

I am not a socialist. I vehemently disagree with socialism. But I still believe in humanity and that people who work hard deserve the basics. I'm not saying everyone should be equal. We all have different skills and levels of ambitions and there's nothing wrong with that. But if you have the ability and drive to put in 40 hours of your life a week to a job, you should be able to afford health insurance. I'm not saying it should be handed to you for free, but you should be making enough to afford it.

[-] 0 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

you fail to recognize that most people are lazy and if they can get what they need without getting off the couch they will, and the rest of us will have to pick up the tab. get it? that system doesnt work for long.

[-] 2 points by VelourTrousers (34) from Potsdam, NY 13 years ago

If someone is lazy and won't work, they don't deserve as much as someone who works 40 hours a week. If I work 28 hours a week, I get health insurance for free, but if actually have some work ethic and work 40 hours a week, I don't get it. That's fucked up. I'm not saying the lazy people should be rewarded. I'm saying the people who work hard should. 40 hours a week is not "not getting up off the couch."

[-] 2 points by guru401 (228) 13 years ago

Way to make blanket statements.

[-] 2 points by AmericanMade (7) 13 years ago

so by proposing that revolutionary idea I guess you also have a solution for creating the jobs where people can be hired?

[-] 1 points by Haitiana4Obama (20) 13 years ago

I work part-time everyday and will still support the 99% of perpetually unemployed because I'm just ONE pay check from joining their ranks.

[-] 1 points by equazcion (688) from New York, NY 13 years ago

A common baseless assumption is that the 99% generally don't have jobs. Many if not most of us do, and work damn hard at them. Whether the state of the economy has touched a person enough to deprive them of a job, the line isn't drawn there. It's just an easy target for people who want to deride the movement with propaganda tactics.

[-] 1 points by NuclearRadio (108) 13 years ago

LOL! Keep sucking on the massa's #&@%! Maybe he'll let you work in the Big House one day!

[-] 1 points by jph (2652) 13 years ago

lol,. keep fronting for the man,. maybe one day if you lick enough boot, he will move you up to the big house and you can work their.

[-] 1 points by joewealthyhaha (152) 13 years ago

SO what happens when those of us in the so-called 99% group find a way to climb the financial ladder ad then we become among the 1% group? then what? should we give it all back? should we lose because we win? get real people life is a competiton, get off your butts and work your way into the 1% ers and stop the friggen whining. why wall street? why not professional athletes? or rock stars? they all make more than the average person on wall street? want a good cause then go after the teachers unions, they're suking the life (and budgets) out of our school systems. contracts with guaranteed steps and raises are killing the quality of education, not to mention property taxes and property values. Fire all the teachers and hire younger ones with more energy and desire.

[-] 1 points by m1d11y89 (4) 13 years ago
[-] 0 points by hanlev7 (1) from Davis, CA 13 years ago

yeah, I'll just go get a job at McDonalds down the street...GREAT idea.